Get rid of a cold in one day

2022-09-22 20:11:05

Get rid of a cold in one day Or, as it appears in medical terminology, literally every person encountered rhinitis. This is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which is rarely an independent phenomenon, and most often accompanies colds and other diseases. The nose is the first segment

Modern methods of cancer treatment

2022-09-22 20:11:05

Modern methods of cancer treatment The Queen Diet owes its popularity to numerous favorable reviews from pop and talk show stars. Since the diet of Margarita Koroleva helped Nikolai Baskov and Nadezhda Babkina, so dissimilar to each other, perhaps the advice of the famous star diets

Cleaning vessels with magnesium and potassium citrate

2022-09-22 20:11:05

Cleaning vessels with magnesium and potassium citrate Proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, doctors note that in recent years there have been more and more deaths associated with chronic cardiovascular diseases. And the precursor for them is atherosclerosis - formed

Plantain: medicinal properties and contraindications

2022-09-22 20:11:06

Plantain: medicinal properties and contraindications Plantain is an ancient food and medicinal plant that can be found not only in almost the entire territory of Russia, but also beyond its borders. The most common are three types of plants - large plantain - with large leaves, plantain with

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