When will toxicosis subside. Toxicosis, as a formidable companion of pregnancy - we recognize the "enemy in the face


At least every second expectant mother is familiar with the state of toxicosis. The appearance of nausea, a change in taste preferences, increased sensitivity to smell - this is how toxicosis begins in pregnant women. Today we will look at the signs of toxicosis and find out what toxicosis is in the early stages and how to deal with it.

Toxicosis on the way - the time of onset of the disease

Manifestations of an illness called toxicosis occur quite spontaneously. Negative symptoms can completely bypass pregnancy - many women have never experienced nausea during the entire period of bearing a child. But, nevertheless, more than half of expectant mothers learn all the "charms" of toxicosis in the early stages.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of when toxicosis begins during pregnancy - the timing of toxic manifestations is purely individual.

According to medical statistics, several periods of the onset of toxicosis are distinguished. Among them are 4 main ones:

  1. Before confirmation of pregnancy- a woman in position may begin to feel sick even before two strips appear on the test, a day or two before the delay of the next menstruation (26-35 days of the cycle);
  2. In the first weeks of pregnancy- early toxicosis often haunts a pregnant woman from 4-5 weeks of an interesting position, especially if the first child is expected. Often, the state of general malaise during this period is the result of hormonal changes in the body;
  3. From the second month of pregnancy- in most cases, the symptoms of toxicosis in women begin to gain momentum precisely from this period (7-8 weeks of pregnancy) and last until the first screening;
  4. Late toxicosis- called preeclampsia, occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy, is considered a serious complication and requires close medical supervision.

Note! Depending on which week toxicosis begins, one can also assume the number of fetuses developing in the uterus. In women carrying twins, vivid manifestations of toxicosis can make themselves felt as early as the third or fourth week of pregnancy.

Signs of the appearance of toxicosis in pregnant women

It is generally accepted that the main signs of toxicosis in a pregnant woman are daily urge to vomit and suddenly appearing nausea. But in addition to these phenomena, there are many more reactions of a woman's body to a pathological condition - toxicosis. The most common manifestations of the disease with an approximate description of the possible severity can be found in the table.

Table of the main symptoms of toxicosis

Important! Toxicosis is a medical diagnosis that is established by a doctor based on the complaints of a pregnant woman, with the help of tests and laboratory tests. To clarify the presence of the disease, factors are taken into account: the level of protein and bilirubin in the blood, the presence / absence of acetone in the urine, the amount of electrolytes in the blood, the severity of dehydration of the woman's body, etc.

Symptom The severity of toxicosis
1 (weak) 2 (moderate) 3 (heavy)
Nausea light significant constant
Vomit up to 2 times/day 3-5 times / day 6-11 times / day
Decreased appetite lowered significantly reduced absent
Increased heart rate up to 90 bpm up to 100 beats/min over 100 bpm
pressure drop up to 120/110 mm Hg up to 110/100 mm Hg less than 100 mm Hg
food retention held partially held not withheld
Weight loss up to 3 kg up to 5 kg over 5 kg
Stool changes fine 1 time in 3 days absent for more than 3 days
Dizziness rarely partially expressed significantly expressed
An increase in body temperature up to 37.1 - 38.0 ° C absent rarely often seen

Toxicosis can manifest itself in several forms, from mild to severe, and each of them is characterized by certain signs:

  • Weak toxic manifestations- aversion to odors, slight nausea after waking up, increased salivation, slight urge to vomit (without vomiting itself or up to 2 times / day).
  • Moderate toxic manifestations- nausea during the day, vomiting 3-5 times a day, dizziness, feeling unwell, many smells provoke an attack of nausea.
  • Severe toxic manifestations- vomiting more than 6 times a day, low blood pressure, fainting, complete lack of appetite, significant weight loss, signs of dehydration.

On a note! In most cases, toxicosis of the first trimester of pregnancy does not become severe and does not pose a danger to the woman and the fetus. But if the manifestations of the disease cause depression, exhaustion, weakness, complete loss of strength - the intervention of a doctor is simply necessary.

How long does toxicity last?

Early toxicosis, as a rule, disappears by 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. Even with small manifestations of toxicosis, the obstetrician is obliged to send the expectant mother for an unscheduled delivery of tests - urine, general and biochemical blood tests. With a mild course of the disease, home bed rest and the supervision of a doctor from the antenatal clinic are shown. 2 and 3 degrees of toxicosis require the placement of a pregnant woman for treatment in a hospital.

4 causes of toxicosis in a pregnant woman

The true basis of "pregnant" toxicosis, despite numerous studies, medicine could not be found. There are only theories on the basis of which it can be assumed for what reason toxicosis begins in women after conception.

Hormonal theory

Rapidly progressing toxicosis may be the body's response to a large-scale hormonal restructuring, which begins simultaneously with the appearance of a new organ - the placenta. At the peak of the hCG content in the blood, the severity of toxicosis also reaches its peak. This moment is especially felt by mothers with multiple pregnancies.

hereditary theory

Toxicosis can be transmitted "by inheritance" - it is this idea that is taken as the basis of the hereditary (otherwise - genetic) theory. If in female relatives all pregnancies were complicated by toxic manifestations, then, with a high probability, this fate awaits the now pregnant woman.

immune theory

This theory considers the situation of how toxicosis begins in a pregnant woman due to the body's production of antibodies to intrauterine life, perceived as a foreign tissue.

Psychogenic theory

According to this hypothesis, the physical condition of the expectant mother may worsen due to the constant feeling of negative emotions, excitement, fear, worries, fears for the life and health of the unborn child.

A small note from my mother about the time of onset of toxicosis and its possible manifestations during pregnancy:

The main ways to deal with the manifestations of toxicosis

Means How to apply
Lemon slices Lemon quickly stops an attack of nausea, improves well-being. Add fresh fruit slices to tea / boiled water (you can squeeze the juice) or dissolve with sugar.
fresh tomatoes Helps to cope with lightheadedness, effective in the absence of appetite. As a snack, you need to eat 1-2 large fleshy fruits, you can as part of a vegetable salad.
Rosehip infusion Useful for severe manifestations of toxicosis: subfebrile temperature, dizziness, loss of strength. 3-4 tbsp rose hips need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, let the broth brew until cool. Take as a vitamin cocktail, sweeten with honey if desired.
A pineapple Fresh and canned pineapple has a beneficial effect on frequent urge to vomit and regular nausea. Use as an independent product, 30-50 g per day.
Mint Mint green tea with lemon balm improves the condition of a pregnant woman with toxicosis. The drink should not be drunk hot, but cooled to room temperature, and ideally cold. Refreshing mints with menthol are also good for excruciating nausea.

What else can be done to improve well-being with toxicosis?

Still that will help you to eliminate all the severity of manifestations:

drink more

If you drink a glass of water immediately after waking up in the morning, it will save you from nausea for at least the first half of the day. Drink during the day those drinks that you like - mineral water, juices, green tea, fruit drink. Even if a pregnant woman has edema, the amount of fluid should not be less than 2-2.5 liters per day.

Less sudden movements

The actions and movements of the future mother from the moment of clarifying her position should become calm, as smooth as possible. No abrupt getting out of bed! Make it a rule to "fly", do not rush anywhere, and your well-being will be at the highest level.

Long rest and sleep

Daily night sleep should be at least 8-10 hours. For working pregnant women, this can mean only one thing - going to bed early so that you can properly gain strength by the next morning. During the day, every couple of hours, give yourself a 5-minute break, especially if the work involves being at the computer in the office.

Nutrition normalization

For the sake of your own health, you should take care of good nutrition. Dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese), red meat, fish, fresh fruits, fiber-rich vegetables will cover the daily need for calories and nutrients, thereby strengthening the body's strength.

How to survive toxicosis - life hacks from mom:

Prevention of toxicosis in a future mother

To minimize the risk of toxicosis, or even avoid its occurrence, even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, try to take care of your own health, adhere to the right lifestyle and get rid of bad habits.

What can be done to prevent the occurrence of toxicosis:

  • alcohol, cigarettes, fast food should disappear from the life of the expectant mother for at least 9 months;
  • down with everything that causes pungent odors - household chemicals, perfumes, even your favorite coffee beans can wait a couple of trimesters for the benefit of well-being;
  • overwork is the enemy of women's health, especially during pregnancy. Healthy sleep, daily walks in the fresh air, a quiet pastime with the family are put in the first place. Strengthen physical and moral balance during pregnancy, try to relax more, think about pleasant things;
  • avoid stuffy public transport during rush hour - it is better to organize a walk once again;
  • fractional nutrition with early toxicosis can reduce all unpleasant symptoms to nothing. Meals every two hours reduce the occurrence of nausea, and a small portion is easily digested, eliminating heartburn. With a full, but fractional diet during pregnancy, there will be no problems with being overweight;
  • the mint component is one of the most effective and proven remedies for nausea. Fresh mint leaves can be brewed into tea, or simply chewed at the time of feeling unwell. Sugar-free mint candies will also save the situation, but mint chewing gum is better to postpone - it provokes salivation and can cause stomach cramps;
  • multivitamins with a high content of selenium also have a healing effect on toxicosis. The necessary complex of minerals, vitamins and trace elements with regular use will reduce the manifestations of toxicosis to a minimum.

P.S. About how you can find in a special section of the site. Here we have listed the main existing methods.

According to statistics, manifestations of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester) are recorded in 50% of expectant mothers. Until now, there are disputes in the medical environment about how to qualify toxicosis: as a natural reaction of the body to the birth of a new life, or as a pathology. The need to suppress toxicosis and the level of danger of this condition for the fetus and mother is determined individually depending on the symptoms, their frequency and the general condition of the body. Some women tolerate early preeclampsia (another medical name for toxicosis) easily, for others this condition makes life much more difficult.

It is impossible to know in advance what this period will be in an individual case: the relationship between the frequency and depth of manifestations of toxicosis with heredity, physical activity and lifestyle has not yet been proven. In the same way, before conception, it is impossible to determine exactly when the expectant mother will visit the first symptoms of early preeclampsia. In most cases (in 7 out of 10 women), they occur at 4-5 weeks. One expectant mother out of 10 "nauseas" is visited earlier - at 3 weeks. In the normal course of pregnancy, this uncomfortable period ends with the end of the first trimester - at 12-14 weeks.

The specific dates for the end of toxicosis, as well as its beginning, are strictly individual, but if there is no relief by the end of the first trimester, this is an occasion to urgently notify your gynecologist about this.

The classic manifestation of the disease is the state of nausea, which occurs most often in the morning and is not always accompanied by vomiting. It is on this basis that, in the presence of a delay in menstruation, our grandmothers determined the “interesting situation”.

Other symptoms of early toxicosis, which in most cases go in addition to nausea, are:

  • pathological drowsiness during the day while maintaining the norm of night sleep;
  • ptyalism (intense salivation, leading to dehydration of the body. During the day, a persistent feeling of fullness of saliva persists in the mouth, prompting you to constantly spit it out);
  • aggravated reaction to odors. Aromas that were previously commonplace become unbearable during the period of toxicosis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • general weakness of the body.

Vomiting should be singled out separately - this symptom qualifies the severity of early toxicosis:

  • light;
  • medium (moderate);
  • heavy.

In pregnant women, vomiting may occur spontaneously, without regard to food intake or the action of external stimuli. Some expectant mothers vomit even from a sip of water.

Characteristics of mild early toxicosis:

  • vomiting no more than 5 times a day;
  • the general condition improves immediately after the disposal of vomit;
  • vomiting does not occur immediately after eating;
  • weight remains normal (weight loss up to 5% of the total mass is considered normal).

Signs of toxicosisLight degreeModerateheavy
Weight Loss (kg/week)2-3 3-5 5-8
Body temperatureNormsubfebrilehigh
Decrease in arterial
Minor90/50 80/40 and below
TachycardiaUp to 90100-110 120 and above
The content of acetone in the urineNo++ ++++

The average degree of toxicosis is characterized by more frequent vomiting (from 5 to 15 times a day), while the process becomes painful, accompanied by prolonged muscle spasms. With an average degree, dehydration of the body is observed, caused by profuse salivation. Also, the average degree is fraught with a noticeable weight loss (from 5 to 15%) of body weight - this is due to the fact that the consumed products do not have time to be absorbed. The lack of nutrients can have a very negative impact on the development of the fetus, because it is in the first trimester that the active formation of vital organs begins. Therefore, with an average degree of toxicosis, infusion therapy is recommended to compensate for the balance of nutrients.

Hospitalization is not always necessary - if the condition is not complicated by other symptoms, a daily dropper is sufficient.

With a severe degree of early toxicosis, a woman is prompted to vomit literally every half hour. Eating becomes impossible, because the body does not even absorb liquid. In this case, immediate hospitalization of the expectant mother is required to maintain the pregnancy. Along with infusion therapy, drugs that depress the excitability of the digestive tract are used to alleviate the symptoms of severe toxicosis.

In the risk group for the occurrence of severe toxicosis are women who, before pregnancy, suffered from acute or chronic ailments of the digestive system, undertreated before conception.

Underground toxicosis: theories and facts

Despite the huge amount of research, scientists have not yet decided to identify the exact cause of early toxicosis. There are several hypotheses that one way or another explain the ins and outs of this state:

  • hormonal;
  • psychological;
  • immune.

The hormonal theory is based on the effect on the body of a future mother of hormones that were not previously produced in it. In particular, it is chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the amount of which grows exponentially in the first weeks of pregnancy, when the fetal membrane is formed. When the placenta is fully formed, the hCG hormone ceases to be a foreign element in the body - this usually happens at 12-14 weeks (for most women, by this time, the symptoms of toxicosis fade away or disappear completely). Until that time, the body perceives this hormone as a poison and fights it in all possible ways. Another hormone that is actively produced in the first trimester is progesterone. It is present in the body before pregnancy, but in much smaller quantities.

The psychological theory explains the occurrence of toxicosis by the body's reaction to the negative emotions that the expectant mother subconsciously experiences. Indeed, in addition to the joy of realizing approaching motherhood, a woman is visited by a whole “bouquet” of phobias: fear of giving birth, fear of missed pregnancy, fear of being helpless, losing a job, etc. According to psychological theory, the body fights stress by trying to influence its source, namely the fetus. Toxicosis in this case is a protective reaction of the mother's body.

The essence of the immune theory is similar to the hormonal one, only in this case the body considers not individual hormones as alien, but the whole fetus. The mother's immune system starts the processes responsible for the onset of symptoms of early toxicosis.

Toxicosis is a temporary phenomenon, but this does not mean that you need to stoically endure all the inconveniences and wait for the cherished 12 weeks. It is possible to alleviate its course, and in individual cases, completely remove all symptoms if you follow a number of simple recommendations. First of all, they are associated with the nature of the nutrition of the expectant mother.

  1. Eat only what the body accepts. There is no list of products recommended in early pregnancy for everyone without exception! Some pregnant women absorb kilograms of apples, while others cannot look at them without nausea. The criterion for evaluating the usefulness of a product should be the body's reaction to its appearance and smell. No need to absorb food through force - this will only provoke another bout of vomiting. But at the same time, exclude from the menu products that traditionally provoke nausea - these are fatty, spicy, smoked, oversweetened dishes.
  2. Small portions are your salvation. The peristalsis of the digestive tract during pregnancy changes, it is difficult for them to cope with the usual portions of food. Therefore, even after a small snack, there is a feeling of complete satiety. The daily diet is best divided into at least 6 doses. You can forget about the diet at this time - eat as soon as you are hungry, even if eating after 6 was previously taboo.
  3. Keep your water balance. In a state of mild nausea, you usually do not want to drink, but the daily 1.5 liters prescribed by the body. fluids are desirable. To make it easier to maintain balance, diversify drinks - during the day drink water, juices, teas, fruit drinks, so that there is no disgust for something specific.
  4. Often, morning sickness, combined with dizziness, causes particular discomfort - after all, during the night the body has used up energy reserves and is weakened. To reduce these unpleasant feelings, do not get out of bed without a morning "exercise" in the form of biscuits or crackers with warm tea. You need to eat it reclining without getting out of bed, and then lie down for another 15-20 minutes. During this time, the digestive tract will begin to work and the feeling of nausea will come to naught.
  5. During the day, mints or Tic-Tac dragees will help fight the arising bouts of nausea. They can be replaced with citrus slices or crackers.
  6. "Feed" with vitamins. The appointment of vitamin complexes during pregnancy is not at all a tribute to fashion. Not all of the women, even before toxicosis, consume the right amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to ensure a full-fledged metabolism. What can we say about the period of toxicosis, when only a certain part of it is absorbed from the food taken during the day? The deficiency of folic acid (vitamin B9) especially affects the early stages of fetal development.

In addition to following nutritional recommendations, with early toxicosis, it is important to maintain physical activity (if there are no contraindications). Intensive loads, if any were practiced before pregnancy, are best replaced with long walks in the fresh air.

If toxicosis ended suddenly ...

The abrupt cessation of the symptoms of early gestosis before the end of the first trimester often causes anxiety, and even panic. Mom's forums add fuel to the fire, where home-grown experts "authoritatively" classify the abrupt end of toxicosis as a missed pregnancy. In fact, in such cases, it is just the gradual extinction of symptoms that is characteristic - the shell of an already dead fetus continues to produce hormones that act on the body as irritants for some time. And the rapid relief that comes is often just a break between the production of the next portion of hormones and after a while the signs of toxicosis will again make themselves felt.

If the anxiety does not let go, it is reasonable to visit the doctor leading your pregnancy - even if unscheduled. Usually, he prescribes a blood test for the hCG hormone in dynamics - by comparing its indicators with the norm of a certain week, one can determine the vital activity of the fetus. Particularly suspicious can do an unscheduled ultrasound and check the heartbeat of a lump of life.

Video - why toxicosis occurs in early pregnancy

Many women are concerned about how long toxicosis lasts. Pregnancy is a joyful event in life, and when it is overshadowed by nausea and poor health, you want to know how to deal with such an ailment and when it ends. After all, prolonged toxicosis during pregnancy exhausts the body, has a bad effect on general well-being and deprives us of peace.

Hello my dear readers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Is it possible to improve your situation in the early stages and avoid the dangerous consequences that the late reaction of the body to toxins brings with it? What means to use at home and how to avoid the danger that threatens the mother and baby? The question of how long toxicosis lasts is directly related to another, even more relevant: what to do so that such a reaction to pregnancy does not occur at all?

This is what I will talk about in my article.

The mechanism of development of toxicosis in pregnant women

To know how to avoid illness, you need to understand why it happens. This topic has already been raised, so I remind you: it all depends on the work of our excretory system and kidneys. This topic is very extensive and to study it, you should refer to.

early reaction

A negative reaction to the fetus begins from the moment when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus and a new life begins to develop in us. That is, after the first week you can experience the unpleasant side of pregnancy. Of course, such a reaction should not be normal. But the body of a modern woman is hopelessly weakened even before pregnancy. It is not surprising that he can not cope with the additional decay products that the developing fetus begins to secrete.

We experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • changes ;
  • appetite falls;
  • increased salivation (salivation);
  • nausea and vomiting occurs.

A woman may faint for no apparent reason. Sometimes the condition worsens greatly and medical attention is required.

What aggravates the situation?

In medical practice, the following set of reasons is called:

  • due to hereditary predisposition;
  • after abortion;
  • with diseases (gastritis);
  • from and nervous situation;
  • from self-indulgence.

In fact, the reason can nest much deeper and lie in the fact that long before pregnancy you already had toxicosis due to an incorrect one. This cannot but affect the additional load on the excretory system when carrying a child.

When will it end?

During the first three months of gestation, there is no placental barrier that the placenta provides us. It has not yet formed, but the baby is already growing, the cells are actively dividing and the decay products enter the mother's blood. When doubled, the load increases significantly. An additional blow to the excretory system gives rise to toxicosis. And this state can last until the formation of the placenta ends.

Another danger in the first trimester is the likelihood of a miscarriage. Since there is no protective barrier, the mother's body can treat the baby's cells as foreign and try to get rid of them by rejecting the fetus.

All this should return to normal after twelve weeks.

The placenta provides a barrier due to the fact that it performs the following functions:

  • provides trophism (cell nutrition);
  • delivers oxygen;
  • produces a number of hormones.

If any one of the functions is performed incorrectly, toxicosis will continue. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Thanks to the placental barrier, the cells of the mother no longer treat the cells of the fetus as foreign. Provides temporary immunosuppression, which ends after childbirth.

How long does toxicosis last: general conclusions

So, all the troubles should end within the first three months. The timing may vary depending on the individual characteristics of your body, but in the first two weeks of the fourth month, the symptoms disappear.

If this does not happen and you still faint, experience nausea, vomiting and other negative sensations, then there are deeper problems in the body.

Late toxicosis is called gestosis. It usually develops in those women who already have problems with the excretory system, heart or liver. At the same time, the blood picture changes, edema appears, and various disorders of internal organs appear. To maintain pregnancy and eliminate symptoms, urgent measures are needed, which are in the hospital.

In some cases, with the threat of developing eclampsia, termination of pregnancy is indicated. Signs of eclampsia:

  • a sharp increase in pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • development of a coma.

It is definitely impossible to say when late toxicosis will end, especially in complicated cases. It all depends on the adequacy of the treatment and the mother's body.

In order to deal with this pathological condition, you need to understand why it occurs.

There are several opinions about the reasons:

  • adaptation, in which the nervous system does not keep pace with hormonal changes;
  • the activity of the corpus luteum, which does not allow the body to throw out the fetus, which is not yet protected by the placental barrier;
  • the presence of chronic poisoning with decay products even before pregnancy, which develops due to poor kidney function.

In the latter case, the violation of metabolic processes during the formation of the fetus gives an additional burden on the kidneys and those toxins that the kidneys could not filter out come back into the blood.

In order for us not to have to ask the question “How long does toxicosis last”, we need to learn how to keep our body in an active and healthy state. How to achieve this - you can find out by visiting. In it, you will learn about how our body works, why some organs do not work well, what depends on the condition of the kidneys, and how to ensure that the kidney membrane filters out all harmful substances, decay products and toxins that enter our body in many ways.

I wish future mothers to learn everything about how to avoid the negative aspects of pregnancy and raise a healthy baby.

That's all for today.

When a woman realized that she was expecting her baby, her emotions increased several times. Many more tests lie in wait for, but toxicosis is the first to make itself felt. It may not start for everyone, but it happens to most and causes a lot of inconvenience and problems. This symptom is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sometimes you don’t even want to eat or drink anything. But is this ailment so safe and what should, as a rule, be paid close attention so that all subsequent activities go without consequences. And yet, when toxicosis in pregnant women ends, we will find out in this article.

What is toxicosis?

It all starts because of foreign toxins, from which painful symptoms of the whole body begin to be felt in pregnant women. And it happens to almost every pregnant woman. In fact, doctors cannot call it a disease, only a reaction to the body in expectant mothers.

When the illness begins, then there is an intolerance to certain types of products and smells. Vomiting and nausea often reach up to 5-6 times a day. With this rhythm, pregnancy proceeds more or less normally and without consequences. If vomiting is more than 10 times a day, then there is a gradual weight loss of 4 kg on average and leads to blood pressure. But if gag reflexes are more than 20 times a day, then weight is lost from 10 kg, and the body works in a stressful mode. Then you need to be under the supervision of a doctor and be very careful about your health. Any ailment is a violation of the norm and is not an integral part of every expectant mother.

Some experts identify the psychological cause of this disease. For example, the subconscious unpreparedness of a woman to bear a fetus and give birth to a child, as well as fears and doubts.

Types and symptoms of toxicosis

Experts distinguish two types of disease.

  • Early begins in expectant mothers at the fifth week of fetal formation, and sometimes it will be the first herald that a woman is expecting a baby. Vomiting haunts women in labor and prevents them from enjoying their new quality. But such symptoms are absolutely not dangerous for the fetus and are considered the norm. This condition most often occurs before 14 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Late is detected, as a rule, in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy and is also called preeclampsia. This is a very unpredictable and dangerous disease for the child and mother. You should immediately go to the doctor and be observed permanently.

But there are also other types. For example, staphylococcal. It manifests itself from exhaustion of the body and malnutrition. Evening toxicosis also has such symptoms. It is easily cured by the correct selection of the right products that do not cause vomiting.

The following symptoms:

  1. The work of various internal organs is disrupted;
  2. There are swelling of the body or different parts (for example, legs, arms, face);
  3. Blood pressure rises;
  4. When passing a urine test, an increase in protein is manifested;
  5. Gestoses are dangerous, a medical examination and complete inpatient monitoring of the patient are necessary;
  6. Salivation is also manifested and the head is very dizzy.

Doctors have determined that during the restructuring and formation of the woman's body, there is a large release of the hormone progesterone. It also contributes to the slowing down of the gastrointestinal tract and can cause this ailment, which leads to loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.

Signs of illness

According to some simple signs, it is possible to predict the onset and degree of toxicosis.

  • Nausea and vomiting, gagging;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • There is a loss of appetite;
  • There is drowsiness and weakness of the whole organism;
  • Eating habits and taste sensations change;
  • Weight loss;
  • Sometimes there are dermatosis, osteomalacia, asthma.

All these symptoms do not depend on the sex of the child and the state of the mother's body. They can only be weakly or strongly expressed.

It happens quite the opposite - this disease does not occur. Do not sound the alarm and try to determine what is wrong with you. In fact, when there is no toxicosis, then a woman is absolutely prepared for bearing a healthy fetus and giving birth to a baby.

When does it end?

This ailment is extremely difficult to predict, since the body of each mother is individual and it is difficult to say when toxicosis in pregnant women ends.

But at week 14, the complete formation of the child's place is completed and therefore the probability of getting rid of the disease is extremely high. Here, the placenta takes over the main protective role of the fetus, and the body of the expectant mother calms down and adapts to the restructuring.

But if the problem started in the third trimester, then you should urgently and without delay visit a doctor, and even lie down for preservation. Preeclampsia at such stages of pregnancy is dangerous and unpredictable.

It is very important to keep track of adjusting your good nutrition, as well as spending more time in the air, then there will be fewer problems for the fetus and the mother.

If a pregnant woman has advanced chronic diseases, then this can cause toxicosis in the later periods. You need to go to a specialist, pass all the tests and choose a mild, harmless treatment.

If in the mother’s stomach there are not one, but two fetuses, then under such circumstances, toxicosis cannot be avoided at all stages of pregnancy. One must accept the state as inevitable and simply observe the state.

Only the attending physician of each pregnant woman can tell the true problem and ways to solve it.

Methods to prevent toxicosis

When toxicosis in pregnant women ends, we have determined, now we will try to exclude this disease.

As a rule, toxicosis in women occurs against the background of a protective reaction of the body or hormonal changes. The very psychological mood of a pregnant woman is also very important, which plays, perhaps, the most key role in how the pregnancy will go and.

  • If, nevertheless, toxicosis has arisen, then you should balance your diet and remove from the diet those foods that will provoke nausea. But you should carefully monitor your body weight, otherwise exhaustion may occur, which is unsafe for the baby and the expectant mother;
  • If there is fatigue and lethargy, then one should not neglect rest, but on the contrary, rest and sleep as often as possible at the first symptoms;
  • When an illness occurs, it should be taken as a protective reaction of the body to those products and smells that are harmful to the body at a given time. Then you need to abandon them, replacing them with more pleasant and useful ones.

Fresh air, solitude, meditation, calm music, pleasant atmosphere and everything you love will contribute to a good and proper pregnancy. Take care of yourself and your future child. Be healthy.

Video about nausea during pregnancy

In this video you will learn why toxicosis appears:

Probably, most expectant mothers faced such an unpleasant problem as toxicosis. Moreover, it can be expressed in different ways: from mild nausea in the morning, which, in principle, is not dangerous, to repeated vomiting (5-10 times a day), which necessarily requires medical supervision and treatment.

In our review and video in this article, we will analyze the main causes and signs of toxicosis by week of pregnancy, and also discuss how to deal with this scourge.

The beginning of pregnancy is not only an exciting moment for every family, but also a time of great changes in a woman's body.

To date, doctors identify the following causes of toxicosis:

  1. Serious hormonal changes.
  2. Active work of the maternal immune system.
  3. Psychological problems: fear and increased anxiety of the expectant mother.

In the pathogenesis of the disease lies several points:

  • Firstly, the nervous system of a woman does not have time to rebuild in response to a sharp increase in hormone levels. As a result, there is a disruption in the work of the subcortical nuclei of the brain, activation of the vomiting centers and, as a result, a painful symptom of nausea.

  • Secondly, the embryo developing in the uterus and the products of its vital activity are often perceived by maternal immunity as foreign agents. In this case, toxicosis can be considered as a protective reaction of the body.

This is interesting. That is why in medicine the nausea of ​​pregnant women is called toxicosis: from the word "toxin" - a poison of biological origin. Of course, while carrying a baby, poisoning of a woman (in the truest sense of the word) does not occur. Rather, toxicosis can be called an individual reaction of the nervous and immune systems to a developing pregnancy.

According to medical research, most often toxicosis develops in women:

  • over 35 years old;
  • suffering from gynecological diseases;
  • with chronic extragenital pathology (especially liver, kidneys);
  • with endocrine disorders;
  • undergone surgery;
  • with a history of abortion;
  • alcohol abusers and smokers.

Bad habits are one of the risk factors

Another interesting theory links the appearance of toxicosis with the physique of a woman. It is believed that lean patients of high stature are more likely to complain of nausea during pregnancy.

Toxicosis: is there a "norm"

Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question, and when should it end.

It is believed that with a normal pregnancy, for the first time, nausea begins to bother a woman at 4-8 weeks. However, some patients note that toxicosis appeared literally from the first days of the delay or even a little earlier.

Discomfort usually stops by 12-16 weeks. By the end of the fourth month, the formation of the placenta is completed: now it is she who is responsible for the blood circulation in the mother-fetus system and is a kind of filter.

Therefore, by week 20, the condition of most patients is completely normal, and the "golden period" of pregnancy begins. But there are exceptions: read about them below.

Thus, the duration and severity of toxicosis largely depends on:

  • woman's health before pregnancy;
  • lifestyle, nutrition, bad habits of the patient;
  • ecological situation in the region of residence;
  • heredity.

Clinical manifestations

Depending on the gestational age, the clinical manifestations and consequences of toxicosis may be different. In the sections below, we will look at the symptoms of pathology in the first, second and third trimesters.

First trimester

As we have already found out, most often toxicosis begins in the period from 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy. However, there are cases when women notice malaise from 1 day of delayed menstruation or a little later - at 9 or 10 weeks.

The most common symptom of pathology is vomiting. It can occur depending on the severity of toxicosis.

Table. Classification of early toxicosis:

Severity Characteristics of vomiting Additional symptoms
Light 1-2 times a day, mainly in the morning (immediately after waking up or after breakfast). May be accompanied by a prolonged feeling of nausea throughout the day.
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Rejection of pungent odors;
  • Slight weight loss (less than 5% of the patient's pre-pregnancy weight).
Medium Up to 10 times a day, throughout the day. Characterized by a constant feeling of nausea.
  • Deterioration of well-being;
  • Tachycardia;
  • An increase in body temperature up to 37.5 ° C;
  • Aversion to food;
  • Significant weight loss (up to 7% of pre-pregnancy weight).
heavy Vomiting without interruption, immediately after eating or drinking.
  • Serious deterioration in well-being;
  • Apathy, weakness;
  • Signs of dehydration and metabolic disorders;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Decrease in the amount of urine excreted per day;
  • Loss of up to 8-10 kg of weight.

Morning “dates” with the toilet are quite common.

Note! Ptyalism (increased salivation) is another additional symptom that can accompany vomiting of pregnant women of any severity or even be an independent sign of toxicosis. With severe salivation, patients lose up to 1 liter of fluid per day, which negatively affects the water and electrolyte balance of the body.

Second trimester

As a rule, all the discomfort associated with nausea and vomiting in the expectant mother passes even before 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. In 95% of cases, early toxicosis is completely completed by the 5th month (20th week).

However, medicine also knows cases in which pathological symptoms can disturb a woman at 22, 24 and even 26 weeks of gestation.

It appears:

  • bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • malaise;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • a sharp decrease in vision;
  • general dehydration of the body;
  • starting from the 25th week of pregnancy - the phenomena of nephropathy.

The consequences of second trimester toxicosis can be extremely dangerous for both the expectant mother and the fetus. Without timely treatment, preeclampsia is often complicated by pulmonary edema, heart failure, premature birth, and even death of the patient.

Important! Late toxicosis in combination with proteinuria is an indication for the immediate hospitalization of a woman in a specialized hospital.

third trimester

Preeclampsia can also develop in the third trimester of pregnancy, starting from the 28th obstetric week and later. For some time, it can be asymptomatic, therefore it is especially dangerous for circulatory disorders, water and salt balance.

Symptoms of late toxicosis, starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, include:

  • nausea (sometimes it persists until 36 - 40 weeks);
  • headache, dizziness;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • stomach ache;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • intense thirst.

Note! More often, preeclampsia develops in pregnant women with arterial hypertension, kidney disease, overweight, and also at the age of younger than 18 or older than 35 years.

Attention: dangerous symptoms

If the main complication of vomiting of the first trimester is dehydration and metabolic disorders, which are usually easily corrected, then toxicosis, starting from the 18th week, often inspires doctors with serious concerns.

Seek immediate medical attention if you have:

  • nausea and vomiting do not stop, and their frequency is 5-6 times a day or more;
  • protein was found in the urine test;
  • the prescribed weight gain does not occur;
  • health deteriorated sharply;
  • edema of the lower extremities appeared, spreading from the feet to the lower leg and above;
  • increased blood pressure.


Diagnosis of toxicosis at any week of pregnancy is usually not difficult.

However, in order to identify possible disorders in the body in time, the doctor should refer the pregnant woman for an additional examination, including:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • urine test for acetone and ketones.

Methods of dealing with toxicosis

Based on the interview, examination of the patient and the results of laboratory tests, the specialist determines the severity of the pathology and draws up a treatment plan. With a mild form of toxicosis, which occurs most often, the patient is treated at home under the supervision of a antenatal clinic doctor.

All gestosis, as well as indomitable vomiting at 5-10 weeks of pregnancy, is an indication for hospitalization. Self-medication in these cases is unacceptable.

As a rule, the treatment of a mild form of early toxicosis consists in:

  • correction of lifestyle and nutrition;
  • according to indications - drug therapy.

As a supplement, many women successfully use alternative medicine methods. However, remember that before using them, it is important to consult a doctor.

Daily routine and diet

This is the first thing to start the fight against toxicosis. Experts recommend:

  • sleep at least 8-10 hours a day and wake up at the same time;
  • regularly ventilate the room;
  • at least half an hour a day to walk in the fresh air;
  • eat in small portions, but often - every 2-3 hours;
  • saturate the body with foods rich in "useful" protein - lean meat, sour-milk dishes, sea fish, legumes;
  • in addition to the main meals, arrange snacks; nuts, dried fruits, dried white bread, a slice of lemon are perfect as them;
  • if nausea bothers you in the morning on an empty stomach, after waking up, eat a few crackers or biscuit cookies in bed;
  • after each meal, try to sit quietly or even lie down for 5-10 minutes;
  • observe the water regime;
  • try not to eat and drink at the same time.

To get rid of nausea during an attack, many pregnant women help:

  • a sip of alkaline mineral water (Borjomi, Narzan);
  • mint (including in the form of lozenges, chewing gum);
  • slice of lemon;
  • orange/grapefruit juice.

This is interesting. With salivation, it helps to rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile, mint, sage.

No less important is the psychological aspect of the fight against pathology. Many women perceive toxicosis as a punishment or retribution for motherhood, constantly winding themselves up. All this aggravates the course of the disease.

It is important to remember that nausea and vomiting are just a small episode of these happy nine months. The calmer and more optimistic you are about it, the easier it will pass for you.

Medical treatment

As prescribed by the doctor, the patient may be prescribed:

  • sputum drugs (Cerukal, Splenin);
  • infusion therapy (droppers with glucose and vitamin C);
  • hepatoprotectors (Essentiale forte);
  • enterosorbents.

Cerucal - the most famous antiemetic drug

A relatively new way to treat early toxicosis is immunocytotherapy. It consists in the subcutaneous injection of lymphocytes from the father of the child to the patient.

Despite the high efficiency of the method, it is associated with the risk of parenteral infection, so before using it, you need to make sure that the woman's husband is healthy. Standard examination - tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C, Wasserman reaction.


A good effect is the inhalation of aromas that soothe nausea. This:

  • jasmine;
  • rose;
  • anise;
  • neroli;
  • lemon.

The duration of the aroma session is 20-30 minutes. The procedure can be performed daily.

Acupuncture and acupressure

Found application in the fight against early toxicosis and the practice of oriental medicine. If acupuncture should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, then a pregnant woman can do acupressure on her own.

To do this, several times a day, you need to knead the paired points located with light pressure movements:

  • at the inner surface of the mammary glands at the level of the nipples;
  • in the dimples between the thumb and forefinger on the back of the hand.

Thus, most often, toxicosis resolves on its own even before the 13th week of pregnancy and does not require specific treatment. A measured life, a calm environment, diet correction, walking and family attention work wonders. At the same time, vomiting and other signs of gestosis in the later stages require timely diagnosis and special attention from the doctor.

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