How to properly prepare Ukrainian dishes


How to properly prepare Ukrainian dishes Ukraine can rightfully be proud that it will satisfy the taste of even the most pretentious gourmet. Ukrainian feasts are described by Gogol in his “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” - needless to say, our people know a lot about food and are distinguished by their hospitality. To Ukraine

Cheat Sheet: Ruhr Conflict


Cheat Sheet: Ruhr Conflict As already noted, the instability of the Versailles-Washington system manifested itself in a series of international conflicts and political crises. The most acute of them was the so-called Ruhr crisis, related to the solution of the reparation issue. In that

Natural tea Which tea is the healthiest


Natural tea Which tea is the healthiest black tea - strength (the Chinese call it red) red tea - bright aroma green tea - rich taste oolong (mistakenly called oolong), (Chinese 烏龍, wū lóng, “Dark Dragon”) also purple, turquoise or blue tea yellow tea white chaipuer - dark h

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