Modern methods of cancer treatment

2022-09-22 20:11:05

Modern methods of cancer treatment The Koroleva diet owes its popularity to numerous favorable reviews from pop stars and talk shows. Since Margarita Koroleva’s diet helped Nikolai Baskov and Nadezhda Babkina, who are so different from each other, perhaps the advice of the famous celebrity diet

ICD disease code 60

2023-10-27 04:13:58

ICD disease code 60 Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) is a pathological condition of the mammary glands, accompanied by the appearance of lumps and cysts of various sizes and shapes. This is a fairly common disease among women of reproductive age; at least

What is Peyronie's disease?

2023-10-17 04:11:18

What is Peyronie's disease? Peyronie's disease is a rare condition in which men have a curved penile shaft. The pathology occurs in only 0.3 - 1% of the stronger sex. The average age of patients is from 40 to 60 years. In the first stages and with a small angle of curvature,

How to treat rectal prolapse?

2023-10-15 03:52:23

How to treat rectal prolapse? Rectal prolapse accounts for a tenth of all colon diseases. In medicine, the term “rectal prolapse” is used. Proctologists distinguish between different types, but in fact all of them are accompanied by an exit with inversion of the internal hour

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