Negativism treatment Negativism definition

2023-10-09 03:09:52

Negativism treatment Negativism definition The term “negativism” is used in psychology to characterize the state of a person who resists any manifestation of external influence. Attention should be paid to the fact that a rational explanation for such a model of behavior is rarely possible.

Nystagmus: causes and treatment Nystagmus after surgery

2023-09-21 01:30:28

Nystagmus: causes and treatment Nystagmus after surgery The popular belief that it is impossible to cure nystagmus no longer exists today! We have developed technologies that allow us to completely block nystagmus and significantly improve visual functions and the cosmetic component in adults. In adults, nystagus

Causes, symptoms in children, treatment

2023-09-11 01:19:45

Causes, symptoms in children, treatment Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis) is a common hereditary disease that is potentially fatal. It became possible to diagnose it only in the second half of the 20th century. Before this, most patients with cystic fibrosis died in infancy from related diseases.

Scoliosis in school-age children: treatment and prevention

2023-08-15 02:23:15

Scoliosis in school-age children: treatment and prevention There are three types of curvatures of the spinal column in children: lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis. Interestingly, doctors call pathologies in the same way as the natural curves of the spine are called. Lordosis Lordosis is a physiological or pathological bending of the spine.

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