Curious child or how to develop curiosity in a child. Interesting facts about children (10 photos) Why it's good when it's interesting


Every child is born inquisitive. This natural property spurs learning in the early stages. But in order for the curiosity of the baby to be creative, it must be cultivated.

You should not interfere with the baby in his research activities, otherwise he is unlikely to want to continue it or will be engaged with much less perseverance.

How to develop a child's curiosity so that he retains a desire to learn for life?

. Listen to your child's questions and don't be lazy to answer them. After all, babies are terrible "why". They have a lot to learn, so they constantly ask questions. And it's no wonder you parents often get dizzy from the rain of their questions. Sometimes the desire to answer the hundredth question "why?" So what is this?" may not be, but still try not to hide from the inquisitive rain under the umbrella of fatigue or indifference. Do not pull the child, do not be silent. Don't tell him that "You are too small to understand it." All the questions of the crumbs deserve your answer, because at this stage he feels everything, examines, tries, listens, and then tries to figure out his feelings. When answering, you must definitely take into account the age of your “curiosity”. If the baby does not receive answers to his questions, which are so important to him, then soon he will stop asking. And most importantly, questions can disappear altogether from his life. Therefore, do not be lazy to explain to the baby how the world works, because this is how you make him smarter.

Come to terms with your baby's exploration activities, and not only take it for granted, but also encourage it. The world is full of exciting things, and for you parents, this is often a disaster, because the child needs to experiment with them. Yes, a child's active exploration of the world can bring confusion and disorder into your home. But you need to understand that by holding back the crumbs, you will prevent him from gaining the experience he needs. Therefore, get rid of the desire to pull the baby up for the sake of maintaining cleanliness and order. It is better to create a zone of complete freedom in the house. Let it be a room (or at least part of a room, garage or basement, in the private sector - a yard) where a child can do absolutely everything: build shelters from chairs and blankets, draw on walls, throw pillows, build sand castles. Each of us sometimes needs nothing to hold back our imagination. And even more so for a child.

A curious kid is interested in everything: what will happen if you pull a cat by the tail, pick a leaf of an indoor flower, put a telephone receiver in water? What happens if you taste the sand or throw it in the face of a playmate, throw a toy car across the room? If your young researcher's experiment becomes dangerous and destructive, you need to stop it by turning your attention and research thought to another object. At the same time, explain to the baby that you are not satisfied not with the process itself, but with its result. To save the house and support the baby scientist, conduct harmless experiments and experiments with your child: make a pie from dough, collect a bouquet for mom, paint boring wallpapers, blow fluff from a dandelion, sift sand through a sieve, mix food coloring with water, etc. .

. Show and observe the world with your baby. Observation is a wonderful way of knowing the world! Museums, playgrounds, lawns, toy stores, parks, zoos, busy streets - there is something for a small child to learn almost everywhere. Attend exhibitions, concerts, theaters, go on a visit - your child will definitely find something interesting for himself. Share your own observations with the baby, ask him questions and discuss them with him.

. Give the opportunity and just let the child have a variety of experiences. Let the baby swing on a swing, ride down a slide, splash in the children's pool, plant flowers, pull weeds, play ball, sprinkle flour on the dough, draw with chalk, set the table, press the bell button, play with children, actively explore the playground, washing dishes, talking on the phone. The possibilities are many, they are everywhere. The experience gained is valuable in itself, and your comments can make it even more valuable. Everything that the baby does gives him the necessary life experience.

. Encourage your child's imagination and improvisation. After all, your baby is taught not only by you and the real world around him, but also by the fantasy world that you can create with the help of books, movies, cartoons, television programs. Encourage any games. In his own imagination, your child can become an adult at a picnic, a squirrel in the woods, Puss in Boots or Brer Rabbit, a cashier at the counter or Winnie the Pooh, a dog in a kennel, or whatever. Invite your child to invent their own fairy tales or rewrite those already well known to him. Don't be afraid to mix characters and situations in different fairy tales that your child knows. Add Baba Yaga to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok to the story of the Snow Queen. Ask your child questions: “What would happen if there was the Snow Queen in the place of the Little Red Riding Hood? And how would the heroes live then? Let him come up with his own version of the development of events, stimulating the fantasy with additional questions. And in the meantime, you can calmly wash the dishes or get ready for the exit to the street.

. Do not encourage your child to watch TV often. Since this is the easiest way to turn off active knowledge of the world. Yes, the child is able to learn from some carefully selected children's programs, but this is passive learning. The child begins to expect that all his questions will be resolved with the help of simple images, without personal participation, he believes that all the answers will come to him in the form of ready-made flashing pictures, dancing animals and light motives. Watching all the TV shows in a row will not help your child learn on his own, be an active participant in the cognitive process. Because of sitting in front of the TV, the baby will become an inquisitive student who has no desire to make his own discoveries. Therefore, try to sit less at the TV yourself and seat the baby next to you. And if you want your kid to watch a particular program, watch with him.

. Integrate learning into daily life activities. This is achieved with little effort. You can introduce your child to numbers (“Would you like one cookie or two? This is one, this is two”), colors (“Will you wear a red sweater or blue? This is red, this is blue”), letters (“There is a letter” M. "Mother" and "milk" begin with her). You can talk about animals (“This is a cat, she is purring now”). Your goal is not to teach the child to count or read by the age of one and a half, but to plant a spark of interest in these areas of knowledge and create a basis for future learning, the rest the child will learn on his own.

. Change the environment. Move the furniture in the child's room, move the toys with him to other places. Talk about what has changed. Has it become more comfortable? More comfortable? More beautiful? Encourage them to express their point of view and look for the best option in terms of the child's taste.

. When teaching a child, play with him. Learning should be fun. If your child feels that you are forcing him to study, scolding, ridiculing and shouting for failures, if you set difficult tasks for the child beyond his age, forcibly force him to do something, then he will begin to be afraid of studying, afraid to learn something new . Therefore, try to ensure that learning for the child is accompanied by play and fun.

. Be an example for your child. Let the baby understand that you also love to explore the world around you, that learning continues throughout your life. The desire to learn, both for you and for the child, is contagious. Show him an example. Talk about your observations and new knowledge, let the child understand that learning continues throughout life. Your zest for life will be the best role model.

. Dilute the traditions familiar to your baby with experiments. Sometimes deviate from the usual way of life for the baby. For example, feed your child porridge for dinner and soup for breakfast. Or go instead of a kindergarten to a dolphinarium, a park, a theater. An unusual turn of events will give you excellent ground for conversations and stories about different lifestyles. For example, that in Japan they eat misu soup for breakfast. Or that in the time of the kings, children from aristocratic families were taught not in kindergartens and schools, but at home and not by teachers, but by governesses from different countries. So your baby from childhood will learn to see different ways to solve the same question and increase his level of erudition. Always be interested in the opinion of the baby on various issues. Ask a question about who he likes more - the Little Mermaid or the Lion King, railways or soft toys. Come to the same delight from a dragonfly or a beetle, ask about what he learned new in the garden and what he thinks about the objects around him. Do not be lazy to show how much you are interested in him.

Be a child's friend from childhood - and you will instill in him a taste for life!

Are they the same as us adults? Sometimes it seems that they are special beings from another planet. Scientists make amazing discoveries related to babies so often that soon the number of the most incredible facts about them will reach seven figures. In the meantime - 40 of the most striking of them.

  1. 206 vs 207
    No, this is not the result of a football match, but the number of bones in a newborn and, accordingly, an adult. It's just that later the bones of the skull and spine fuse in the child.
  2. Small and big-eyed
    The child grows quickly, and only his eyes do not change so noticeably. Because the size of the eyes of a baby is 75% of the adult size.
  3. Dad's stubble is 2 mm, and Uncle Serezha's is almost 3 mm.
    The sensitivity of infants is so high that already in the first days of life they can distinguish varying degrees of unshaven.
  4. First smile time
    You will have to wait at least a month before the child gives his first smile to his mother. But there is nothing more precious than her.
  5. Your chest is closer
    Incredibly, newborn babies can smell (perhaps some other signs) their mother's breasts from all the others, which they most often ignore.
  6. Funny pictures
    If you hang a picture of a smiling face above the baby's crib, then the mood and condition of the baby will be positive.
  7. You - to me, I - to you
    A sense of justice visits children as early as 12-15 months. Kids are ready to share their toys and expect the same from others.

  8. "Everything is purple"
    In the first months, all babies do not distinguish colors, besides they are short-sighted - they distinguish people and objects only at close range.
  9. In native language
    Scientists have made an amazing discovery: a child's knowledge of intonation and speech begins even in the prenatal state. The babies of each particular country even cry in their own way.
  10. Coral for each
    In many European countries, children are still given, as many centuries ago, rattles made of natural coral. On the one hand, people believe that such an object is the best amulet against the evil eye, on the other hand, it is an excellent teether.
  11. What's in a name?
    As you call the baby, so ... the child will live his life. Studies have shown that a girl with a masculine name is distinguished by tougher character traits and an obstinate disposition.
  12. Here I remember, there I don't remember...
    Infantile amnesia, with rare exceptions, is present in all children. Until the age of 3, they do not remember their early experiences.
  13. The main device of motherhood - diapers
    Just imagine that, on average, about 3,000 of them are spent per child every year.
  14. Music lovers from birth
    Babies up to six months are able to distinguish melodic music from more rhythmic, showing emotions in different ways. Good from bad they learn to distinguish later.
  15. "About injury"
    According to statistics, children under the age of 6 have the most injuries.
  16. Walk yourself
    Canadian children are learning to take their first steps without a walker. This invention, advocated by many parents in other countries, is banned there. It is believed that they cause severe harm to the still weak children's bones.
  17. Born with a gadget
    Where are the most advanced children under 10? No, not in Japan, but in Germany. There, kids from birth use modern smartphones and tablets.

  18. Loudest of all
    A three-year-old child is able to speak louder than 200 adults talking at the same time. Presumably, children need such a gift so that their mother always hears. Debatable.
  19. "Bad, Good, Evil"
    In Japan, which is loyal to children, the words “bad” and “bad” are prohibited in relation to them. Children are treated there only in a positive way.
  20. A little bit about geniuses
    The diagnosis of “prematurity” is by no means a sentence for the child’s future talents. And this is an example of Albert Einstein (he did not speak until the age of 9), Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill and many other famous personalities of different years.
  21. Works at 100%
    In indigo children, the right and left hemispheres of the brain work autonomously.
  22. And again about geniuses...
    A 6-year-old kid came up with a toy drop-down truck. He drew and offered to dad to make him one. And plasticine, so beloved by all children, was invented by a schoolgirl, and initially it was a means for cleaning coal dust from wallpaper. But almond oil and dyes were added to it. And the children were happy.
  23. Into the corner... or naked?
    An effective, but not entirely humane way to prevent child disobedience was invented in one Indonesian school. Hooligans were shaved bald for several months for fights and absenteeism. Soon the discipline became exemplary.
  24. recommended to laugh
    Laughter is the best medicine or the main defense of the immune system. For health, children are recommended to laugh at least 300 times a day, which is every 3 minutes on average.

  25. Breastfed babies have a unique trick: they can swallow and breathe at the same time. At 9 months, the magical ability disappears.
  26. Born in a car - get a registration number
    In the US, about 300 babies are born on the road each year. As a place of birth, they enter not the name of the area, but the number of the car into which the “stork flew in”.
  27. We grow taller
    If a person grew at the same speed and intensity as a child under 4 years old, ultimately, his height would be more than 7 meters.
  28. no taste
    In the first 3 months, the child is not able to feel the salty taste.
  29. Special boy
    Every crown prince in England, in the 15th century, had a single friend and part-time whipping boy. And all because it was strictly forbidden to punish status children. And so the expression was born.
  30. "Bears" rush to the rescue
    The kids in Miami are the luckiest. Miami State Police Stations have "bear patrols". Teddy bears accompany law enforcement officers on patrol and often come to the rescue when meeting with a crying baby.

Children are born curious: they come into the world with an innate desire to understand how everything works around them, they strive to touch as many objects as possible to gain new experience, they ask a lot of questions, explore and learn to satisfy their curiosity.

If you want your child to continue learning throughout his life, encourage and develop his curiosity. All children are born with curiosity, but it is important that you consider your child's individual style of curiosity.

All children show curiosity in different ways. For example, some children like to explore how the world works through observation and reflection, while others prefer to do so through physical activities (touching, smelling, or tasting). Try to ensure that each style can be used in a safe and inspiring environment.

Studies have shown that it is not external pressure that prompts the child to seek new impressions, knowledge and experience, but an internal desire to satisfy his curiosity. Curious people are constantly in search of new knowledge. Not only do they love learning and exploring, but they actually enjoy challenging themselves and being passionate about finding solutions. Curiosity also helps people respond positively to uncertainty.

Recent studies have shown how important the role of curiosity in learning is. The best way for children to cope with the educational material was when the teachers managed to arouse their sincere surprise at the unexpected outcome of the experiment being demonstrated.

Given the important role that curiosity plays in the learning process, here are some tips to help develop this quality in a child:

  • Promote your child's interests. Children learn best through activities that hold their attention and stimulate their imagination. Find activities that your child enjoys the most and practice them together as often as possible. For example, if a child likes to dance to certain music, create all the conditions for this activity for him. If he loves animals, take him to the zoo more often, show films and shows about animals, read books about them together.
  • Create an interesting space. The youngest children spend most of their time observing their surroundings. They are interested in learning new things about the environment, so give them curious and safe toys and objects that they can explore and that will stimulate their sensations and senses.
  • Encourage games that stimulate the imagination. Despite the rich variety of electronic toys in our time, try to give children the opportunity to play with simple objects such as boxes, cubes, plasticine or sand. They may seem boring to some, but they are indispensable for the development of creativity and imagination. In fact, these toys are one of the best learning tools as they give a lot of room for curiosity while playing. Don't tell your child what to do with the materials, how to use them, or what the final result of his creation should be. Let his own curiosity be his guide.
  • Use open questions. Try to avoid questions that require one-word answers like "yes" or "no". By asking open-ended questions, you will stimulate your child's thinking, pushing him to find a solution on his own. Try asking him questions such as: “What do you think about ...?”, “What would you do if you were the protagonist of the book? Why?".

For the development of curiosity, it is important not only to create favorable external conditions, but also to eliminate the factors that kill the desire to learn something new in children - fear, restrictions and lack of interest of parents in the child's activities.

  • 1. Fear. This factor is the No. 1 enemy of curiosity. When a child is worried or afraid, he is likely to give up seeking new knowledge and experience. Remember that how you help your child cope with a stressful situation depends on how soon he adapts and returns to the desire to gain new knowledge and experience.
  • 2. Restrictions. When parents strictly tell their children: “Don’t!”, “Don’t touch!”, “Don’t climb!”, “Don’t shout!”, “Don’t get dirty!”, sooner or later children will lose interest in research. If we instill in them an aversion to soiled clothes, their enthusiasm as naturalists will be greatly reduced. Use as few restrictions as possible, but do not forget about precautions and safety.
  • 3. Lack of parental interest. It is very important that parents do not withdraw from their child's activities, but take part in them with passion and enthusiasm, which provides a favorable psychological and emotional environment for optimal creativity and research. Adult participation gives the child a sense of security, as well as approval of his efforts, which is very important for the development

Levina Oksana
inquisitive child

“And in my head in the morning a hundred thousand why, explain to mom and dad what’s what?”.

Why? - said the Hare, and the hare - mother sighed.

Why do Trees, mother, never go for a walk? After all, they are already big, why don't they run, why don't they walk?

Why? Mom said. Because they can't! They have no legs, Trees, you are our punishment.

B. Zakhoder.

Often parents "grabbing their heads" - "Where?", "For what?", "Why?"- and this is all from morning until evening. Age "why" every child and it is very difficult for a parent to remain calm.

All people are curious and children, especially children. From a very young age, they show a natural curiosity while developing the quality curiosity. Parents and the environment play an important role in shaping this quality. child. A common mistake of parents is the opinion that only games and entertainment bring joy to children, but these are just delusions and can gradually drown out the natural craving for knowledge. Knowing the world is an exciting process for child, but only if adults help and encourage him. Indifference of adults, ridicule, attention to mistakes and failures child All these are barriers to development. curiosity. Don't impose child's interests, it must develop comprehensively. Let him try himself in different directions, child must have a choice. Try to always answer questions baby so as it will be clear to him. And if curious child he asked you about something, but you decided that it’s too early for him to know about it, believe me, sooner or later he will find the answer, but here’s how it will be, correct or useful, there are no guarantees here.

Children always ask questions, sometimes they cannot formulate correctly and get a little lost because of this. This is a request for help. But an adult should not always show his superiority, show to kid that you don't know everything. Explain that it is not scary and together you can find out everything.

Read books, watch cartoons, play games together. Give as much information as possible about what you are interested in child and be sure he will become a comprehensively developed personality.

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Often parents "grab their heads" - dozens of "where?", hundreds of "why?" and a hundred thousand "why?" - and all this from the moment you wake up in the morning until the very evening. Even knowing that all children go through the age of "why-why", it is very difficult to remain calm. And it seems absolutely impossible to satisfy this total curiosity.

“A curious Barbara’s nose was torn off at the market”, “You will know a lot - you will soon grow old.” I don’t know about it now, but in my childhood these phrases were very popular. Children subtly feel the negative attitude contained in them. Such answers convince the child that it is pointless to contact the parents, and all his questions are stupid. And, after attaching the label “I am curious” to himself, following the adults, he feels that something is wrong with him. He is bad".

Curiosity or curiosity?

The word "curiosity" for our society has a negative connotation. "Curious" is often called people who are too interested in someone else's life just to discuss it with someone, to gossip.
But this, of course, does not apply to preschool children. From a very early age, they show a natural “healthy curiosity”, on the basis of which a very important quality can develop - curiosity.
One must learn to see beyond the countless "Why?" and for what?" curiosity

What depends on the parents.

If the desire to explore the world is inherent in every child from birth, then what is the mission of parents?

Today it is no secret to anyone that children adopt the lifestyle of their family. Parents' interests do not go beyond watching TV shows and football matches on TV? Most likely, growing up, their child will give preference to computer games and youth series. All of this, as well as aimlessly surfing the Internet, can be curiosity. But for the development of curiosity, active interest, active action is necessary.
A busy, fulfilling life for parents increases the chances that a child will grow up to be an inquisitive person.

A common mistake of parents is the opinion that only games and entertainment bring joy to children. And comprehension of the world of knowledge is a "serious matter" and has nothing to do with pleasure. As a result of this delusion, caring parents themselves encourage their child to satisfy only those interests for which no special effort is needed. This gradually drowns out the natural craving for knowledge.
The child will consider the comprehension of the world and the assimilation of knowledge to be a very exciting process until adults impose a different attitude on him.

The indifference of adults, their ridicule, excessive attention to the mistakes and failures of the child, a critical attitude towards his independent choice - all these are obstacles to the development of curiosity. Often irresistible for the child. And, unfortunately, not overcome by many adults ...
Of great importance is the attitude of adults to the child, the acceptance and encouragement of his inner world, his interests.

Encourage your child's choice. Read books to him, watch cartoons and films together, go to museums and theaters. Play, explore the world around you. Talk, discuss what you read and see, reason together without imposing your point of view ... Use every opportunity to support and develop curiosity!

Ekaterina Malysheva

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