What does an MRI show in a child? MRI of the child's brain with and without anesthesia


MRI of a child's brain carried out if a pathology is suspected, accompanied by damage to the central nervous system. To study brain structures using MRI, several different modes are provided (MRI of the brain, MR angiography, MRI of the pituitary gland, MRI of the cranial nerves). MRI of the brain in pediatric neurology is used to identify signs of developmental abnormalities, infectious complications, tumors, hemorrhages, causes of epilepsy, consequences of traumatic brain injuries, etc. For young children, MRI is performed in a state of medicated sleep.

For infants, MRI is most often prescribed in cases of perinatal brain damage due to intrauterine infections and hypoxia, intracranial birth injuries, prematurity and fetal immaturity. The consequences of these conditions can be convulsive syndrome, delayed psychomotor development, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, etc. In these cases, MRI of the child’s brain allows one to identify pathological changes in the white and gray matter, ventricles and other brain structures, and to clarify the degree of myelination of various parts of the brain.

At an older age, a child may be prescribed an MRI of the brain for persistent headaches and dizziness of unknown origin, a sharp decrease in hearing and vision, repeated fainting, speech disorders (severe delay in speech development, alalia, stuttering, aphasia), and mental retardation.

An MRI of the child’s brain may be required for structural abnormalities of brain development, epilepsy, infectious and inflammatory processes (abscesses, subdural empyemas, encephalitis, meningitis, arachnoiditis), intracranial hematomas, etc. Indications for MRI are repeated episodes of concussion in a child involved in traumatic sports (boxing, wrestling, etc.).

In addition to MRI of the brain, the child can undergo targeted MRI of the pituitary gland, MR angiography of the cerebral arteries, MR angiography of the venous sinuses of the brain, and MRI of the cranial nerves. In some cases (for example, with a head injury or tumor lesions), the MRI procedure of the child’s brain is complemented by the study of neighboring structures - MRI of the nasal sinuses, MRI of the orbits and optic nerves, MRI of the cervical spine.

Limitations to conducting research in children

It should be understood that MRI of the child’s brain cannot replace electrophysiological, ultrasound examinations of the brain and computed tomography. Each of these methods has its own indications and diagnostic tasks. For example, with the help of a CT scan of the child’s brain, bleeding, the presence of calcifications, and bone pathology are better identified, and with MRI, the condition of the brain, pituitary gland, posterior structures (cerebellum, brainstem), etc.

In children under 5 years of age, MRI of the brain is usually performed in a state of medicated sleep. This is due to the need for the child to remain absolutely still during the study in order to avoid motion artifacts. The use of anesthesia during the procedure requires certain preparation - appearing for the examination on an empty stomach, preliminary taking an ECG for the child and examination by an anesthesiologist. Despite the fact that today in pediatrics safe short-acting drugs (propofol, etc.) are used for anesthesia, individual adverse reactions to anesthesia (nausea, convulsions, arrhythmia, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, anaphylactic reactions) may occur.

Other undesirable complications during MRI of the brain in a child may be due to the use of contrast enhancement during the procedure (water-soluble paramagnetic gadolinium complex). In this case, side effects can be associated both with the technique of intravenous injection (formation of a hematoma at the site of catheter installation, subcutaneous penetration of the drug) and allergic reactions (bronchospasm, facial erythema, Quincke's edema, etc.). However, allergic manifestations rarely occur, since MRI contrast does not contain iodine. The price of contrast MRI of a child’s brain is approximately 2 times higher than the native procedure.

Limitations to MRI of the brain are the presence in the child’s body of metal foreign bodies (including implants, braces) and electronic devices, the operation of which can be disrupted by exposure to a magnetic field (pacemakers, cochlear implants, insulin pumps, etc.). The inability to conduct an MRI of the child’s brain may be due to a general severe condition, decompensated heart failure, mental disorders, or claustrophobia.

Conducting research

An MRI of a child’s brain is performed in medical institutions licensed for the relevant type of activity in pediatrics. Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove from the child all items of clothing with metal parts (buckles, zippers, buttons, etc.), jewelry, and hearing aids.

An MRI of the child’s brain is performed in a special room where the tomograph is located; in the next office there is a doctor who communicates with the child via radio communication. In some cases, the mother is allowed to be in the same room with the child. During the procedure, you must lie on your back, remaining still. A special mobile table with the patient moves into the cylindrical tunnel of the scanning device (magnet). To prevent the child from experiencing discomfort from the strong noise of the operating scanner, he wears headphones. The entire MRI procedure of a child’s brain takes from 20 to 40 minutes. After the application of anesthesia, the child must remain under the supervision of an anesthesiologist for some time.

After the end of the study, parents are given a conclusion (a full description of the area under study, photographs, and, upon request, recording of the entire study cycle on disk). The results of an MRI of the brain must be provided to the pediatric specialist who referred the child for this study.

The price for an MRI procedure for a child’s brain in Moscow is affordable, but may vary depending on the medical institution providing this service, the level of equipment, the type of MRI, the use of anesthesia and contrast enhancement. If you are looking for where you can get an MRI of a child’s brain in Moscow at an affordable price, check out the offers published below.

Isn't magnetic irradiation dangerous for a child's brain? Let's figure out how MRIs are done for children, and what diagnoses need to be diagnosed with a tomograph. After all, the health of children, their loud laughter, happy smiles are the most important thing in the lives of parents. When a baby gets sick, mom and dad immediately try to help, ease the pain and cure him quickly. But in order to overcome the disease, it is important to make the correct diagnosis, which sometimes requires in-depth diagnosis.

What is the essence of tomography?

For more than one year in a row, medicine has been improving its diagnostic capabilities; new techniques are emerging, including in pediatrics. You can diagnose a child’s body in different ways, the most universal and informative of which is considered to be magnetic resonance imaging. Is it possible to do MRI on children? How dangerous is it, and from what age is it allowed?

MRI is a universal procedure that is currently recognized as safe. In view of this, it can be done from an early age, even for newborn children. Sometimes diagnostics are carried out in order to identify a disease, and sometimes to prevent the development of pathology.

During an MRI you need to lie motionless for quite a long time, prepare your child psychologically for this

The body is examined using a tomograph. This is a device that is a tunnel where the patient is placed. The scan is carried out under the influence of electromagnetic waves, which cause hydrogen ions in the body to move and align at a certain angle. This allows you to read information about the organ layer by layer, which gives a complete picture of the child’s condition. Exposure to magnetic rays is not dangerous, so no one prohibits children from having MRI scans.

How is the procedure performed in children?

Any patient who undergoes an MRI is placed on a tomograph, which means that a psychological and moral attitude is necessary. It is difficult to do this with children, the baby understands everything, but purely physiologically he is not always able to withstand this procedure from beginning to end.

Magnetic resonance imaging in children causes certain difficulties. During the examination, the baby is placed horizontally on the table, where he must remain motionless for 30-60 minutes. Most devices are closed; the baby remains alone in the tunnel. For children under 12-14 years of age, it is not possible to carry out such a procedure without the help of medications.

The doctor may suggest doing an MRI for children under anesthesia, or using sedatives and sedatives. This is not dangerous, but provides a guarantee for a successful scan.

The most difficult is an MRI of the brain, since in this case it is the head that must be motionless, which cannot be fixed in any way. If tomography of other organs can be carried out using open-type devices, fixing the limb, and using the help of one of the parents, then control over the scanning of the head will not be possible. In view of this, MRIs of the brain are performed on children using anesthesia. For babies, a special gas is used, which dulls sensitivity for a while; the child does not show interest and curiosity, being half asleep.

Indications for tomography

Children may be prescribed an MRI if they have certain symptoms:

  • if children have constant complaints of headache and dizziness;
  • there is a decrease in hearing and vision (you need to do a comprehensive diagnosis);
  • when causeless convulsive processes occur;
  • changes in the development of the spine;
  • injuries, bruises, falls;
  • children's retardation in physical and mental development;
  • complaints of abdominal pain without changes in general condition;
  • general deterioration of health against the background of normal temperature and pressure;
  • Children experience sudden weight loss.

In order to go for a body examination, you need a doctor's referral. Which area requires careful diagnosis is determined solely by the doctor. An MRI of the child’s brain is prescribed for injuries, concussions, loss of analyzer sensitivity, headaches, and dizziness. By determining the condition of subcortical tissues, brain structures, and the vascular system, MRI of the brain will help to identify the causes of pathology and establish the presence of tumors and neoplasms even at the earliest stages.

At what age can an MRI be done?

Despite the safety of MRI for children, the procedure still has certain contraindications. Although experts say that newborns can also be scanned if necessary. The following factors hinder diagnosis in children:

  • recent surgery;
  • the presence of metal staples, clamps, clips, implants in the body;
  • installed life support devices that cannot be removed even for a short time (ventilator, hemodialysis, hearing aid, pacemaker, defibrillator);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging cannot be done if there are shrapnel or bullets in the body;
  • tattoos applied to the body (tomography is prohibited; there may be metal particles in the paint);
  • If MRI is performed with contrast, then diagnosis is prohibited if you are allergic to the contrast agent or its components.

How to prepare your baby for magnetic resonance imaging?

How an MRI is done for children and how to prepare for it is of concern to all parents. If the procedure is prescribed, the attending physician will definitely give the necessary recommendations, indicate what needs to be done before the procedure and what nuances to follow.

The necessary tests will be taken. You must not eat food 5 hours before the diagnosis and do not drink liquids 2 hours before the diagnosis. The parent or his representative must be present with the baby during the procedure and monitor the process along with the doctors.

Before entering the MRI room, the child and parent leave all metal objects, electronic devices, gadgets, keys, etc. in a special container. Clothes should also be free of iron parts and electronics.

The device has a communication sensor, usually a rubber bulb, which when the patient feels worse or feels uncomfortable, the diagnostician receives a signal and pauses the procedure as necessary. Along with the sensor, the tomograph has a microphone so that the doctor can hear the patient. Just like the patient hears the doctor. For maximum comfort, the tomograph is provided with fresh air and ventilation.

What will the procedure show?

MRI is a unique diagnostic method with which you can see the real state of internal organs and all body systems. Resonance tomography can detect tumors in soft tissues, the presence of hemorrhages in blood vessels, pinched nerves, the development of anomalies and pathologies, and malfunctions in the functioning of any body system.

If the doctor orders an MRI of the brain, then most likely there is a suspicion of the following pathologies:

  • cystic neoplasms;
  • cerebral ischemia;
  • vascular changes;
  • medulloblastoma;
  • brainstem glioma;
  • astrocytoma;
  • ependymoma;
  • choroid plexus carcinoma;
  • pineoblastoma;
  • neuroblastoma;
  • nephroblastoma;
  • hypoxia;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • pituitary gland disorders;
  • anomalies and infections of the inner ear, eyeball;
  • epilepsy;
  • cerebral hemorrhages.

An MRI will indicate changes in the skeletal system of the spine, inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity, infections and diseases of the spinal cord, and vascular changes in the body.

Is MRI of the brain harmful?

It is the absence of harmful radiation that has made the tomography scanning procedure so popular. If your baby is scheduled for magnetic resonance imaging, there is no need to panic; it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations without listening to the advice of amateurs.

Computer diagnostics of the body should not be underestimated, either in children or adults. It is worth understanding that while an adult is able to talk about his illness based on his feelings and associate it with certain events, a child cannot explain anything like that. And MRI is often the only way to understand what is happening to the child, what ailment is bothering him and how the body is developing. This will help the doctor determine the course of treatment, prescribe surgery if necessary, monitor the development of the disease and prevent the condition from worsening.

Anesthesia or sedation may be used for MRI scans in children.

Device diagnostic modes

To understand the MRI technique of the brain in children, it is important to know about aspects of the functioning of this organ. Brain pathologies often have different origins, so tomography is carried out in several modes:

1. MRI of the head- clarification of whether there are consequences of hypoxia, developmental anomalies and intrauterine infections in the structures of the brain, in its substance. It is possible to diagnose tumors, ischemic zones, hematomas and cysts and neoplasms.
2. CT pituitary gland- is prescribed, as a rule, in case of hormonal imbalance.
3. MRI of the brain and cranial nerves- finds the cause of tingling, numbness, pain and other sensitivity disorders of the facial muscles.
4. MRI angiography- allows you to scan the circulatory system and brain vessels in children.
5. MRI of the eyeball- examination of the structures of the eye and adjacent orbit.

Diagnostics of newborns

Until recently, pediatrics negatively perceived the possibility of using an MRI machine to diagnose diseases in children. But based on a number of studies on the influence of electromagnetic and radio waves, children from 6 years of age were allowed to be examined. And soon they completely stopped limiting patients based on age and are now doing diagnostics if necessary, since it has been confirmed that the procedure is safe.

Currently, MRI is also performed on newborns using a special research method. Diagnosis of infants is carried out only with confirmed indications; this is done in special medical clinics, and only after all the necessary tests and studies have been carried out.

Modern technologies make it possible to detect various diseases at the earliest stages. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain has already saved hundreds of thousands of little lives.

What is the essence of the study?

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI of the brain is used to diagnose various diseases. Modern pediatric neurology cannot be imagined without the use of this highly accurate diagnostic method. Every day, thousands of children living in different parts of the world undergo this study.

The medical community first started talking about MRI of the brain at the end of the last century. This method was an absolute breakthrough in the diagnosis of various diseases. Quite often, brain pathologies remained “silent.” Many malignant tumors and neoplasms were detected only in late stages. The capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging have made it possible to recognize even the most dangerous pathologies at the initial stage of their development.

Magnetic resonance imaging equipment is being improved every day. There are several well-known leaders in this industry in the world. These corporations are located in Japan and America. European tomographs also provide decent quality in research. Various models allow examination of children of different ages, including the youngest patients.

Using magnetic resonance, doctors obtain an accurate descriptive picture of all the anatomical structures of the brain. To correctly assess the result obtained, the study is carried out in several projections at once. This gives specialists and clinicians a spatial description of where a specific pathology is located. For correct interpretation, a systematic analysis of all the projections made at once is necessary.

The research method is absolutely safe and does not carry increased radiation exposure.

This safety of the study allows it to be widely used even in infants. In America, not a single clinical examination is performed without performing an MRI of the brain. Before making a diagnosis, doctors send all patients for magnetic resonance imaging.

The essence of the study is to conduct high-frequency pulses generated in a tomograph to the organs of the central nervous system. In most cases, this procedure is non-invasive (non-contact). Only in some situations is it necessary to first introduce a special dye - contrast. It has a targeted and selective effect and accumulates only in nervous tissue.

Contrast studies are carried out mainly in complex diagnostic situations, when simple magnetic resonance imaging is not enough to obtain a correct diagnosis. Typically, such invasive procedures have contraindications and are carried out only on the strict recommendation of the attending physician who is observing the child.

The most common contrast is used in pediatric oncology to detect certain types of malignant tumors and cystic formations.

Magnetic resonance imaging has a number of advantages over conventional diagnostic methods that are performed daily. These include:

  • No radiation exposure. When performing radiography, exposure to x-rays is significant. Such a high radiation dose is only possible for a limited period of time, so the examination can only be carried out a maximum of a couple of times a year. There are no such deadlines for magnetic resonance imaging. It can be carried out as long as necessary to establish a correct and complete diagnosis.
  • High resolution. Some brain diseases are almost impossible to detect using ultrasound examination. In this case, MRI comes to the rescue. It shows pathologies of the brain and spinal cord even at the earliest stages.

How is it carried out?

The study usually does not require any special preparation. In some cases, it is recommended that children who are emotionally stable and prone to neurotic conditions be given an age-appropriate dosage of a sedative (sedative) the day before. This will help reduce the child's anxiety during the test.

If there are any metal elements in the child’s body (braces, staples, fixing pins, etc.), you should first tell the doctor about it. In some cases, this will be considered a contraindication for this study.

Diagnosis is carried out in a magnetic resonance imaging scanner. It can be open or closed. For children who have claustrophobia or pain when being in a confined space, it is better to carry out diagnostics using open tomographs to conduct research. Such devices are designed specifically for such patients.

Tomographs have the shape of a cylinder with holes on both sides. A retractable examination table is attached to the fixed part. The small patient is placed on this table and secured with straps. This is not painful at all, but is necessary, since the child should not move during the procedure. Typically the duration of the study is 40-60 minutes. Contrast tomography in practice takes longer.

Special sensors are fixed next to the baby's head, sending magnetic impulses to the brain, which will then be transmitted to special software. This program gives a descriptive picture of the anatomical structures present in the brain and allows you to identify pathological anomalies, as well as dangerous tumors and neoplasms. The doctor conducting the study is in the next room, located behind glass from the treatment room where the study is being carried out.

The procedure is quite difficult for small children to endure. They cannot remain still for long periods of time. There are techniques when babies are given anesthesia, and then the brain is examined. Typically, such a study is carried out in children aged 1-3 years. The examination can be performed under anesthesia on newborns and infants. However, the indications in this case are very limited.

General anesthesia drugs are usually given to babies on an empty stomach. Before the administration of anesthesia, the baby must be examined by a resuscitator. After examining the child, the doctor will be able to select the required dosage of the drug that will be administered to the baby for anesthesia.

If a child is undergoing an MRI of the brain under general anesthesia, then Stop eating in advance. Infants should not eat 2 hours before the procedure, babies over one year old - 4 hours before the test, children aged 5-7 years and older - 8 hours.

There are several ways to go into medicated sleep: by injecting drugs into a vein or through mask anesthesia. Some clinical situations involve a combination of these methods.

There is no danger to the patient's body from magnetic resonance imaging. You can perform diagnostics an unlimited number of times.

Is MRI with contrast harmful?

It is assumed that frequently performed MR examinations have a negative effect on the human body. In case of malignant neoplasms of the head, spinal column, other organs, parts, or joint lesions, scanning can be repeated (the frequency of procedures is determined by the attending physician). Duplicate sessions help the doctor monitor the restoration of a healthy state and study the activity of the disease.

  1. Control of joint restoration after implantation of prosthetic elements;
  2. Post-traumatic consequences (fracture, formation of a false joint);
  3. Limitation of joint mobility;
  4. Articulation injury, an MRI of the joints is required;
  5. Joint defects identified by x-ray require an accurate examination to determine the damage;
  6. Constant pain, treatment does not help;
  7. The presence of inflammatory processes requiring MRI of the joints;
  8. Monitoring the status after the operation;
  9. Age-related disorders.

They resort to the use of contrast when undergoing MRI of the knee joint. Often, to detect spinal defects (displaced vertebral discs, tumors of various types), doctors advise doing a contrast-enhanced examination.

The substance enters the person through a vein. The drug is dispersed among tissues and vascular channels. To examine the brain with contrast tomography, agents consisting of gadolinium are usually used. The drug is not dangerous, improves the ability to analyze the state of the structural elements of the brain, the vascular system, and helps to clarify the structure of formations.

Contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging has limitations:

  1. The presence in the patient’s body of implanted metal objects, bodies of unknown origin, stimulating devices, devices that improve the perception of sound. Magnetic waves have the property of attraction, so objects will begin to move chaotically inside the body, which causes negative consequences and distorts the resulting images. There are metal structures that are not subject to the influence of the force field, consisting of ferromagnets, magnetic examination becomes possible (MRI with braces);
  2. Manifestation of hypersensitivity to the contrast agent. Before the session, patients are usually directed to do an allergy test;
  3. The presence of diseases that prevent MR diagnostics: fear of confined spaces, pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  4. A person who is intoxicated is not allowed to perform the scan;
  5. Representatives of the fairer sex do not undergo tomography during the initial stages of fruiting.

You need to be sure that MRI scanning is an absolutely safe research method in order to exclude unfounded mental disorders. Carrying out diagnostics without taking into account contraindications is a risky step.

How harmful is tomography for a child’s health?

Sending a child for magnetic resonance imaging raises concerns among parents due to the possibility of causing damage to the baby’s health.

Is MRI harmful? If necessary, an MRI examination is sent to study the state of the brain, internal parts, and musculoskeletal system. The procedure is absolutely safe. An MRI of the knee joint is often prescribed, since children often suffer injuries to the joints of the lower extremities.

During the scanning process, the presence of closed areas of the tomograph and the noise effect of the operating device can frighten a child. It is possible to remove negative emotions that bother the patient. Sedative drugs are used, through oral administration of the drug or through the substance through a vein.

The diagnostic session lasts about half an hour. The introduction of a sedative will help the baby not to be nervous during the examination. The attending physician will receive high-quality images. The next day the patient feels absolutely normal.

Reviews from many parents who have had their children scanned disprove all possible concerns regarding the harmfulness of undergoing a nuclear magnetic examination. Emotional breakdowns are allowed to occur. Serious consequences in the form of the development of acute pathologies are absent in practice. It is unlikely to confirm that MRI is very dangerous.

Is MRI harmful for pregnant women?

Is MRI harmful to health during pregnancy? Magnetic tomography is not usually ordered until 12 weeks after conception. During the initial trimester, the embryo develops vital organs. The fetus is in the most vulnerable state to the negative influence of external factors. The absence of clearly defined indications requires that the procedure be performed later (after the first three months of pregnancy).

Magnetic resonance imaging is an ideal and completely non-harmful option for diagnostics. The obvious advantages of the method have been recognized, and the safety of MR imaging for the human body has been approved. The high price limits its applicability, so other types of diagnostic examinations operating on the principle of X-ray radiation continue to be in great demand.

Why is MRI of the spine harmful?

The high price and complexity of the equipment forces the procedure to be performed strictly according to indications:

  • Intervertebral hernia, pathological processes that contribute to disc bulging;
  • Oncological processes.

During the procedure, a special couch with the patient constantly moves, and the scanning device reads the signals. Examination of a separate segment of the spinal column lasts about 30 minutes, the full procedure lasts about an hour. The treating doctor will receive an image showing the anomaly in various projections, and it will be possible to make a fairly accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

The method is based on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance; the patient receives exposure to a powerful force field during MRI of the joints. The possible harmful effect of MR imaging on the human body has not been proven, therefore MR scanning is not dangerous and is considered a highly informative method of examination.

Health risks MRI of the brain

The reasons for prescribing the study can be: pain, loss of orientation in space, and other similar symptoms.

During scanning, a person is placed in a special tomograph capsule that creates powerful magnetic waves. Images of the inside of the head are generated through electromagnetic processes that do not have a harmful effect on the patient.

Side effects may occur due to the use of a contrast agent administered before the session. Therefore, before the procedure, specialists determine the possible presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the contrast amplifier.

On the site you can read reviews from patients who underwent brain research.

Hello, dear moms and dads! In this article we will look at how MRIs of the brain are done for children. You are probably worried before carrying out this procedure, have doubts, and are looking for the best place to do it. Yes, it’s not surprising, here you will worry about an adult and think about how he feels there in this “spacesuit”. But imagine if the child is 2 or 3 years old, because he is still very small and he has to go through some testing. Let's take a closer look at what this procedure is and what pitfalls can await you there.

What is MRI and is it done for children?

I would like to reassure you right away and answer your question. « Do children undergo MRI of the brain and is it safe? Yes, of course they do and there is nothing terrible or dangerous about it.

What is MRI? If we decipher this abbreviation, then we get “magnetic resonance imaging”. I think it makes no sense to talk here about all the intricacies of magnetic fields and radio frequency pulses that formed the basis of this diagnostic method.

An MRI machine is a closed, cylindrical tube surrounded by a large round magnet. There is a movable plane inside on which the patient is placed. Using the mobility of this table, the baby is pushed into the tube, and with the help of a magnetic field and radio waves, an image appears on the computer. For greater clarity, pictures can introduce contrast. The procedure takes about 45 minutes. At this moment it is very important that the baby remains still. This is why in many cases children are put under anesthesia. The procedure itself for a child 4 years old, younger or older, does not cause pain; at most, the little one can feel warmth in the study area.

There are main modes of MRI of the head:

  • with numbness, frequent headaches;
  • examination of the cranial nerves of the brain;
  • in the presence of hormonal pathologies;
  • research to detect an infectious process in the body of an intrauterine nature;
  • the presence of hemorrhages, cysts, tumors or hypoxia;
  • pituitary gland examination;
  • tomography of cerebral vessels;
  • In case of visual impairment, the eyeball is examined.

The important thing is that MRI, unlike, is harmless. In addition, tomography provides fairly accurate data that will help a specialist determine the state of the child’s brain and identify the cause of a particular illness.

Today, using modern equipment, this diagnostic method is acceptable for children from one year old. However, in special cases, infants are also allowed.

Sudden deterioration in vision may be a reason for an MRI

Naturally, for any reason and without it, you don’t need to run to the clinic and get an MRI for your baby. Such a diagnosis is usually prescribed by an experienced doctor if he wants to make an accurate diagnosis of his little patient.

So, MRI is prescribed in cases if:

  • your child has had a concussion or some other head injury;
  • the baby’s vision suddenly deteriorated or he began to hear poorly;
  • he feels very dizzy for no reason, or he started;
  • the child has recurring seizures;
  • you began to notice that your son or daughter is lagging behind in speech development at the age of 3;
  • the doctor suspects that the child has brain pathologies;
  • emotional instability.

How to prepare a child

Remember that for a child, an MRI is a kind of test. So, your task is to make sure that for him this is not a terrible procedure, but an exciting, interesting and small adventure.

Try to talk to a child 5 years old or younger, explain to him what's what. Tell them that it’s not scary at all and, what’s more, it’s not painful, but on the contrary, it’s interesting.

If your child is still very small and understands little, then naturally no amount of talking will help. Just remember that he should not cry or fuss during the procedure. To know how to prepare a child for an MRI of the brain, you need to follow special rules.

  1. As a rule, for children, the test is prescribed in the morning.
  2. Before the procedure itself, it is advisable not to give water or feed the child.
  3. If anesthesia is to be performed, it is advisable that the baby does not eat food 12 hours before.
  4. If for some reason the study is carried out after lunch, then the child should eat six hours before.
  5. If the examination is carried out on an infant, then you need to feed two hours before the procedure, if a one-year-old child - four hours.
  6. Liquid intake should be limited 12 hours before the procedure if your baby will be under anesthesia.
  7. It is very important that the child empties his bladder before the procedure.
  8. If the toddler has any jewelry, a belt, a hairpin, buttons, braces - anything made of metal, then they must be removed.

Anesthesia: is it necessary or not?

MRI of the brain of children is done under anesthesia if the parents are sure that he will not be able to lie quietly throughout the entire procedure. In addition, there are a number of contraindications in which a child should not be given anesthesia.

That is why it is very important to consult with an anesthesiologist. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby’s body, previous diseases and current condition, the doctor will choose the appropriate type of anesthesia:

  • parenteral - is an intravenous administration of the drug, which provides the child with medicated sleep;
  • inhalation - the child is put on an oxygen mask through which anesthesia is delivered.

During the procedure, the anesthesiologist will monitor cardiac activity and control the child's breathing. After the examination, the anesthesiologist will monitor the baby's condition until he fully returns to consciousness. You need to be prepared for the fact that some children experience side effects from anesthesia. This may be an allergic reaction, or in rare cases, anaphylactic shock due to intolerance to the administered drug.

The need for contrast

In most cases, the child is not given contrast. Contrast is necessary in order to define a clear picture. This is important, for example, in the presence of a neoplasm, in order to establish its exact boundaries.

The child is given a special substance intravenously. By and large, it does not pose any particular danger. However, it does not exclude the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is so important that parents inform doctors about the presence of a tendency to allergies in their baby.


If you are interested in the question of how to do an MRI of the child’s brain, then it all comes down to the following.

  1. The child is examined by a specialist for the presence of metal objects.
  2. The patient is placed on a special table.
  3. If there is a need for anesthesia, the anesthesiologist administers the drug.
  4. Children wear headphones, from which music or the voice of their parents can be heard.
  5. If it is necessary to administer contrast, the radiology doctor injects the substance intravenously.
  6. The doctor leaves the room with the parents and monitors the process from the next room.
  7. If an infant needs examination, modern equipment can be used.

What will you learn when you have an MRI on your child?

MRI can detect epilepsy in a child and a number of other pathologies

After the procedure, the presence of the following pathologies can be detected:

  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • sclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • pathological condition of blood vessels;
  • pituitary diseases;
  • hypoxia;
  • spine pathology;
  • neoplasm;
  • cysts.

Normal indicators

The following records will indicate that your baby is healthy:

  • absence of hemorrhages;
  • brain activity is normal;
  • not narrowed vessels;
  • no foci of epilepsy;
  • no neoplasms;
  • there are no symptoms of ischemia;
  • There are no anomalies in the organs of vision and hearing.


Pacemaker does not allow MRI

You should know that not every child can undergo such a procedure. This is why it is so important to inform your doctor about your baby’s health conditions.

Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative (which are temporary and the baby can have an MRI in the future).

The absolute ones include:

  • the presence of a foreign body of a metallic nature;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • in the orbit, dilation of blood vessels secured with ferromagnetic material;
  • hematopoietic anemia (if contrast is necessary).


  • metal denture;
  • external cardiac stimulation;
  • drawings on the body with metallic paint;
  • claustrophobia;
  • the presence of severe pain, which makes it difficult to remain still.

Now you know whether MRI of the brain is harmful to a child. Remember that in some cases you simply cannot do without this research method. When going for the procedure, talk to your little one, prepare him mentally, let it be a little adventure.

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