Eugene Nosov doll summary. E.N


Writer Nosov E.I. At the age of eighteen, he went to the front. Went through the whole war. For his services to the Fatherland, he was awarded many government awards.

In the story "Doll" the story is about a former front-line soldier. Akimych - that's the name of the main character, was wounded in battle and seriously shell-shocked. The consequences of the shell shock periodically affected the behavior of the hero. He, in moments of strong emotional excitement, could for a while be speechless. This happened on the same day when Akimych was walking along with the storyteller, to whom he happened to be a friend.

During a leisurely walk, Akimych accidentally saw a mutilated doll lying in the mud by the roadside. It's not unusual for broken toys to break occasionally. But the doll found by Akimych was not just broken. She was severely mutilated by someone. Someone frankly mocked the once beautiful toy. The heart of a veteran who went through battles, blood and pain sank in his chest.

The hero of the story saw many human casualties during the war. I saw soldiers in the hospital who had lost their arms and legs in the war. But those victims and losses were explained by a terrible, cruel war that brought grief and tears to people. The front-line soldier could not understand how it was possible to disfigure the doll so ruthlessly. His whole soul rebelled against this fact. After all, a doll, in fact a toy, is created in the image and likeness of a person!

Akimych decided to bury the doll the way people are buried. He wanted to bury everything, unsightly and terrifying, that had settled in his soul along with the miserable doll. He could not understand and accept senseless cruelty. The pity the old man showed for the broken toy gives everyone something to think about. On the one hand, there is evil expressed in hatred and cruelty. And on the other hand - boundless indifference. Can a society in which such events take place be considered morally sound?

The theme of nature is also touched upon in the story. The author describes a polluted, littered with all sorts of rubbish river. The reservoir, on the shore of which it is pleasant to sit on a hot day, in which fish and crayfish used to be found, has been turned into a garbage dump. This river is also "mutilated" by people. And again - complete indifference on the part of people.

The work leads to painful reflections. Every reasonable person must realize what he brings with his actions - good or evil? And can indifference be considered a harmless quality?

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The author likes to visit Lipino. He's fishing in the pool there. Once again, the author meets the old man Akimych. He had to see the war and the horrors associated with it. Akimych has taken a shovel and is carrying it to bury a doll lying by the road. This doll is like a completely living person. She was severely abused.

Main idea (meaning) The story makes you think about the cruelty and indifference of people, about the reasons why a child, having matured, becomes despotic and soulless.

Read the summary of Nosov Doll

The author used to often visit a place called Lipino. He liked to fish in the river. No one except him and old Akimych went there. And the author has not visited there for a long time. Once, during a trip to the lake, he met the old man Akimych. He was a man of quite mature age. The old man had to go to war. The war left an indelible mark on him, which affected both the health and the psyche of the poor man. Akimych received a shell shock during the war.

He was a very hardworking and decent, compassionate man. This time the old man was very excited. It was obvious that something was happening in his soul, something was tormenting and tormenting him. He even refused to explain the reason to the author. It was clear that he was in a hurry somewhere. In the hands was a shovel.

The author followed him. The old man silently walked along the road, not saying a word to his interlocutor. He stopped half way and pointed to the edge of the road. There was a mutilated doll lying along the road. The poor old man could not bear the sight. The doll had numerous scars from cigarette burns. Her hair and parts of her body bore traces of the terrible atrocities of insensitive people. Someone made a good mockery of the poor toy. The old man said excitedly that the doll was very human-like. Even if she is not alive, she still has a human appearance. Sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish a living child from a doll. Akimych looked at her and remembered how much he had seen enough at the front. He could not understand the reason why people become so cruel and indifferent.

The old man dug a grave and buried the doll like a real person. He had sincere pain and compassion for all mankind in his eyes. He was sorry that, having buried the mockery of her with the doll, he would not be able to rid the world of all the evil and cruelty that people hide in themselves. His suffering and torment for all mankind become visible in his words: "You can't bury everything."

There is so much pain and desire in this short statement to make the world a better and kinder place.

For the main theme of Nosov's story "Doll" one can take that the author shows how a simple village man lives, his moral principles and attitude to what surrounds him. The author shows the attitude to nature, to the environment and the upbringing of children, to the relationship between people.

The work begins with the author's memoirs about the Seim pools, how he used to love visiting these places, watching nature and the river. Once the author found a local fisherman there, Akimych, who still couldn’t catch anyone because of bad hooks. After that, he did not manage to visit his native lands for a long time, and whom he nevertheless came to, he did not recognize the river, it was heavily overgrown, a lot of grass and mud appeared.

He didn’t even recognize Lipin’s pit, where the whirlpool used to circle, now it’s a black area, only one gander lives on it. The author tells about his fellow Akim, how they fought with him, and how badly Akimych was wounded. Long time no see friends and finally met. Akimych walked along the road, frightened by something, was not himself, and at first did not even recognize the author. They went down the road towards the school, near the road they found a doll. Someone mocked her very much, gouged out her eyes, made a hole in the place of her nose and took off her clothes. Both friends stood silent for a long time and could not understand who could have done this until Akimych spoke.

He said that this was not the first time he had seen such dolls and that even though they were just toys, they had a human appearance, so it hurt him to see all this, because it reminded him of the war. He shows anger towards mothers and teachers, who are just as indifferent, because they do not teach children compassion, they run around and get used to such an insult. Akimych begins to dig a grave for the doll, saying "you can't bury everything."

Despite the small size of the work, the theme of people's indifference to the environment is quite well disclosed. Akimych showed himself as a man, simply because he could not pass by a doll that was ordinary at first glance. The very image of Akimych causes a certain compassion, it is a pity to see an old man who went through the war, was left without a home, and because of the concussion, his speech is taken away, so it is difficult for him to express his thoughts.

Picture or drawing Doll

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An old man who went through the war finds a doll mutilated and abandoned by children. He is amazed at human cruelty and buries the doll as if it were a living person.
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Very briefly

The narrator loves to visit Lipino, located twenty-five miles from his house. There is a large deep pool, to which even geese do not look. One day the narrator meets the old man Akimych at the pool, who was fishing there.

Akimych is an elderly man who happened to go through the whole war. In one of the battles, he received a shell shock, and since then he could not speak clearly and correctly express his thoughts. The war left a deep mark not only on the physical, but also on the mental health of a man.

This time the narrator sees Akimych surprisingly excited and agitated. He cannot properly explain the reason for his excitement, but he is in a hurry somewhere with a shovel in his hands. The narrator follows the old man. Akimych silently walks along the road, and after a while points to the narrator at the mutilated doll. It becomes clear that the toy was the victim of children who gouged out her eyes, burned her hair, and left burn marks all over her body.

The poor old man could not bear the sight. The horrors of war pass before his eyes. He does not understand how children can be so cruel, because the doll is practically the same person. The old man silently digs a small hole and buries the doll as if alive. He only regrets that he is not able to bury all the evil and cruelty that lurk in people's hearts.

An old man who went through the war, seeing a mutilated doll, is amazed at how hardened people are, and buries the doll as a person.

The narrator likes to visit near Lipino, about twenty-five versts from his house. There on the river there is a big pool, which even the geese avoided. In this place, only the old, wounded, war-time carrier Akimych fishes.

Having visited his native places again, the narrator again meets the old carrier. He is very excited and, holding a shovel in his hands, quickly heads to the school, not far from which, near the road, lies a doll with gouged out eyes and traces of cigarette burns in place of the nose and those places that were previously covered by panties.

It is difficult for Akimych to see such mockery of the doll. He had seen enough of this in the war: “It seems that you understand: a doll. Yes, it's a human form.

In addition, the old man finds it strange the indifference of people who calmly pass by and do not pay any attention to the tormented doll.

Akimych digs a small hole and buries the doll, just like a person. With pain in his voice, he says: “You can’t bury everything ...”.

The theme of the war did not bypass Russian literature. A lot of stories, novels, poems are devoted to this cruel time and the post-war period. One of these stories belongs to Evgeny Nosov. Let us recall its problems and brief content. Yevgeny Nosov's "Doll" is a short but heartfelt story about the human heart that has not hardened during the war years.

Nosov gave a very brief summary of his story: "The Doll" occupies only a few pages. The story takes place several decades after the war. The work begins with the narrator recalling a small village near Lipino, where he often visited on official business. There is a place where the river forms a deep pool with a strong current, and in this pool there are large catfish - "masters of the river." The narrator often went fishing here in his free time with his old friend Akimych.

Several years have passed. The river became shallow, the pool was gone, and a mound appeared in its place. Soon Akimych also died.

The author recalls the old days when they went fishing with Akimych. It turned out that they served in the same army and were hospitalized almost at the same time. Akimych was shell-shocked, and even now he could not fully recover from his illness. When agitated, the old man could not speak, his language became stiff, and he only helplessly stretched his lips into a tube.

One autumn the narrator came to the village after a long absence and saw that Akimych's hut, in which he spent the night, had burned down. But a little later I saw the old man alive and well. He was walking somewhere with a shovel on his shoulder, excited and upset. He could not speak, only gestured for him. They passed the school where Akimych worked as a watchman, passed a green meadow, and in the ditch the narrator saw what had upset his friend so much. It was a doll with gouged out eyes and torn hair, and where the nose and where the panties had previously been torn off were gaping holes burned by cigarettes.

Akimych was finally able to speak and said that he found many such abandoned dolls, but he could not calmly look at them. They are too reminiscent of people, and during the war he had seen enough of human death. Akimych was angry that everyone else was indifferent - even future mothers, even teachers. And children should not get used to such pictures. So the old man undertook to bury such abandoned dolls, very similar to children. He dug small graves for them, covered them with hay. "You can't bury everything" - the story ends with such a sigh of the old man.

This is the summary. "Doll" Nosov, despite its small volume, touches on very important topics.

The theme of compassion in the story

What did the author want to convey to us with his short work? As the summary shows, Nosov's "Doll" reminds us how scary it is to become indifferent, to become stale in soul. Stop seeing the beauty of the world and the ugliness that is happening in it. Old man Akimych, having gone through the war, having seen enough of death, has not forgotten how to sympathize. This manifested itself in small things - in pity for abandoned toys. But a person who cannot look indifferently at a discarded doll will never leave another person in trouble.

Reading the story, we involuntarily sympathize with Akimych himself - an old man who went through the war, shell-shocked and left alone. Perhaps his shell shock in the story has a deeper meaning: a person tries to say - and cannot, and he can only silently observe the troubles around him and silently try to fix something. At least what is in his power.

The theme of beauty in the story "Doll"

What else does the summary make you think about? Nosov's "doll" also touches upon the theme of beauty and harmony in the world. After all, it is no accident that the whole scene with the doll takes place against the backdrop of the beauty of autumn nature, when everything in the world seems to be flooded with bright colors, and there is silence and tranquility. In nature - harmony, in people's lives - chaos. And people themselves create this chaos. Someone - starting a war, and someone - just throwing away a boring doll ...

The eternal theme of the short story

"Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten" - these words are read between the lines, like a summary of E. Nosov's "Doll". The war is over - life goes on as usual. The most stormy and deep pool sooner or later becomes overgrown with silt. But the narrator will not forget about the terrible days, nor will Akimych, who from time to time loses the ability to speak. Peace has come - nature has blossomed, and everything in it is beautiful. But still, abandoned mutilated dolls appear - like echoes of the terrible years when abandoned and mutilated human bodies were buried. People forget to appreciate the beauty of nature, they forget to appreciate peace on earth, they forget about responsibility. But it all starts small...

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