Chocolate: benefits and harms to the health of the body. Chocolate: which is useful and how, and which is harmful Properties of chocolate for the body


Chocolate is the most common sweet in the world, spending more than $7 billion annually on its purchase. Initially, this is a hot drink made from cocoa beans in South America, only a couple of centuries ago people began to make tiles familiar to the modern generation. There are several types of sweetness: white, milky, bitter and dark. The latter is a classic version, loved by doctors because of the high content of cocoa butter, which gives this delicacy its beneficial properties. But harm also exists - more on that later in the article.

What is dark chocolate

Useful material

Chocolate is considered dark when it contains from 40 to 70% cocoa. If its content is higher, then chocolate is called bitter. Dark sweetness is rich in useful substances:

  • vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP, D, K and E;
  • minerals and trace elements: calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper, magnesium, fluorine, potassium and phosphorus;
  • amino acids: tryptophan;
  • neurotransmitters: phenylethylamine, tyramine;
  • alkoids: caffeine, theobromine.
Chocolate is considered dark when it contains from 40 to 70% cocoa.


  • 100 grams of chocolate contains an average of 30-35 grams of fat - half the daily requirement for a person. These fats are found in cocoa butter - the main component of sweetness.
  • There are more carbohydrates - about 50-60 grams, which is 1/8 of the daily human need. Their main source is sucrose, which is quickly broken down by the body with the formation of heat.
  • It practically does not contain proteins: about 5 grams per 100 grams tile.

The average energy value of dark chocolate is 546 kcal per 100 gr.

The structure of chocolate is:

The main types of chocolate by structure are slab, porous and monolithic
  • tiled - in the form of identical molded plates, from which it is easy to break off a slice;
  • porous - with air bubbles bursting in the mouth;
  • monolithic - a single piece without decoration.

Benefits of dark chocolate

Due to such a voluminous list of vitamins and trace elements, it can be assumed that dark chocolate is good for the body. And that would be the correct guess.

The sweetness is valuable for health because of the cocoa content, so the more cocoa, the better. It turns out that dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate, but loses to bitter. Since not everyone likes the bitter version due to the low sugar content, the dark one is considered optimal.

Cocoa contains more antioxidants than green tea. These are defenders who fight free radicals (oxidants), which are formed excessively due to stress, poor ecology and a lot of sun. Oxidants are dangerous because they cause premature aging of the body and mutation of DNA molecules, and this can even lead to cancer. It turns out that chocolate prolongs youth and serves as a disease prevention.

Chocolate prolongs youth and serves as a disease prevention

Tryptophan, magnesium, B vitamins contained in cocoa sweets stimulate the production of serotonin, the mood hormone, which causes a short-term feeling of happiness. In addition, tryptophan reduces appetite, so dark chocolate can be eaten even by those who are on a diet. A study by British scientists showed that if you consume up to 25 grams of dark chocolate per day, then getting rid of extra pounds will go more actively. In addition to tryptophan, this is due to phenol, caffeine and other substances that improve digestion.

An equally important component is flavonoids. Flavonoids are plant polyphenols. They are necessary for the health of the circulatory system: they improve the elasticity of red blood cells, inhibit blood clotting, reduce fragility and capillary permeability. Thanks to them, the vessels become strong, “bad” cholesterol is removed, plaques are not formed, and this serves as a prevention of thrombosis, heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

A study by British scientists showed that if you consume up to 25 grams of dark chocolate per day, then getting rid of extra pounds will go more actively.

Alkaloids stimulate the body as a whole, and especially the work of the heart and mental activity: information is easier to digest and remember. In addition, theobromine (one of the alkaloids) is the active ingredient in drugs against bronchopulmonary diseases. But the effect of chocolate on cough has not been studied enough.

Consumption of sweetness from cocoa beans serves as a prevention of diabetes, because it increases blood glucose levels, and hence the amount of insulin. For a positive effect, you need to pamper yourself with dark chocolate at least once a week.


“Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Only the dose makes a medicine a poison and a poison a medicine.” In the words of the Swiss physician and philosopher Paracelsus, it is worth starting the section, since in addition to the benefits, dark chocolate can also cause harm.

Due to the high content of fats and sugar, excessive consumption of sweets sometimes leads to obesity due to a violation of carbohydrate metabolism. And also in the composition there are substances that can cause the formation of kidney stones, so it is recommended to eat chocolate with caution for people with urolithiasis, gout and joint diseases.

There are no strict contraindications to the use of dark chocolate, but you need to know the measure

Allergy sufferers, hypertensive patients, diabetics and people with problems of the digestive system should be treated with caution to the sweetness of cocoa beans - it is best to coordinate the maximum dose with your doctor. There are no strict contraindications to its use.

Daily rate

Dark chocolate is not only tasty, but also healthy. The main thing is to know the measure. Regular consumption of a cocoa butter product will help to push back old age, maintain health and just enjoy life.

Chocolate is a popular sweet, around which controversy does not subside. Skeptics claim that the notorious benefits of chocolate are an absolute myth. True connoisseurs of sweetness are sure that chocolate is good for everyone.

According to doctors, a real, high-quality product has a lot of useful properties, but only when used in accordance with all the rules in limited quantities. Let's try to figure out what benefits chocolate brings to the human body, and when it harms it.

What is the benefit of chocolate for the body?

Scientists have found that chocolate has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Polyphenols and essential oils stimulate blood circulation, prevent the deposition of cholesterol plaques. Flavonoids prevent platelets from sticking together, stabilize blood pressure, which normalizes cardiac activity.
  2. Protecting the body from cancer and ulcers. This treat contains catechin, which reduces the level of free radicals in the blood. According to studies by scientists from Japan, eating 40 grams of treats daily reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.
  3. Stimulation of the brain and nervous system. The effect is explained by the substances included in the composition: theobromine, potassium, magnesium and caffeine.
  4. The ability to cheer up. This product stimulates the body's production of neurotransmitters: serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine. The lack of these substances causes depression, nervousness. Therefore, chocolate is a recognized antidepressant.
  5. Providing the body with energy. A small piece is enough to replenish strength after physical or mental stress.
  6. Improved digestion. Scientists from the UK conducted an experiment, the results of which confirmed the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria and the death of pathogenic bacteria under the influence of flavanols.
  7. Immunity boost. Doctors recommend eating this delicacy during periods of SARS and influenza epidemics to increase the body's defenses.

The positive and negative effects of chocolate on the human body are the subject of research by scientists around the world. An increasing number of results confirm the benefits and destroy some stereotypes about the dangers of chocolate for the human body.

For women

Chocolate is useful for the body of women during periods of change in the general hormonal background. A bar of treats can help restore emotional stability during PMS and relieve menstrual cramps.

For women, chocolate is both a healthy product and a quality cosmetic product that has a beneficial effect on the skin, effectively protecting it from UV rays that cause aging. To prolong the youthfulness of the skin, women are recommended to do masks, body wraps. After cosmetic procedures, the skin becomes elastic, silky.

Chocolate helps rid the body of cellulite. The product improves the structure of the hair, stimulates their growth. Masks with this hair product help regulate scalp oil production.

For men

Chocolate is good for men too. Experts have proven its stimulating effect on potency. The neurotransmitter dopamine is a natural aphrodisiac and libido stimulant. If a man suffers from a weak erection associated with anxiety before intercourse, dopamine will help calm the nerves. Regular consumption of dessert helps prevent premature ejaculation and thus make sexual intercourse longer.

For the body of a man, the benefits of chocolate additionally lie in the ability to influence the production of seminal fluid. Zinc in this product improves testosterone production and stimulates spermatogenesis. Sweetness helps to increase the viability of spermatozoa, and the chances of conceiving a child increase.

For the child's body

The main component of this delicacy - carbohydrates - an indispensable source of energy. Actively moving children spend a huge amount of energy during the day, which this product helps to replenish. Fast carbohydrates from this sweet instantly restore the baby's strength.

Dark varieties help to strengthen the immune system. Vitamins B1, B2, PP have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the child. Serotonin affects the areas of the brain responsible for the speed of thinking, phenylalanine improves memory and attention. This delicacy literally "spurs" the brain, makes the student be attentive, think quickly.

Doctors do not recommend giving chocolate to children under 2 years of age, as the product can provoke the development of allergic reactions. For the same reason, it is recommended to use this product with the utmost care when carrying and feeding a baby.

Health benefits and harms after 50 years

The benefits and harms of chocolate over the age of 50 cannot be unequivocally assessed. The restructuring of the hormonal background of the elderly contributes to the development of depression in them. Mood swings, bouts of despondency become companions of many people in old age. You can partly cope with this problem by using healthy bitter chocolate varieties as a sweet medicine.

Regular use of this product has a positive effect on the preservation of brain activity and memory in the elderly, and minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Despite the many positive qualities, under certain conditions, chocolate is harmful to older people, especially when consumed in excess of the norms. The caffeine in this treat harms hypertensive patients and migraine patients.

The invigorating effect of cocoa butter reduces the sleep duration of the elderly. The opinion of physicians regarding the benefits for the cardiovascular system of an aging organism is ambiguous.


Many foods harm the body if consumed without restrictions. Excessive passion for treats is associated with the risk of developing tachycardia attacks, pressure surges and digestive problems.

A small cup of hot chocolate contains about 42 mg of caffeine. A tile weighing 125 gr. contains 50% more caffeine than a cup of strong coffee.

The harm of chocolate for persons with "problem" skin is obvious. With excessive use of treats, acne and allergic rashes appear on the skin.

It is not recommended to eat the milk or white version of this delicacy on a diet. A large amount of sugar in these varieties causes saturation of the body with "fast carbohydrates", which subsequently turn into body fat. A safe dose of dark chocolate for dietary nutrition is 25 gr. per day.

Contraindications for use

Doctors often warn patients about the dangers of chocolate in certain pathologies. The product is contraindicated in people suffering from the following diseases:

  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • kidney disease;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

The harm of chocolate to the human body depends not only on the presence of diseases, but also on the composition of a particular type of treat. Diabetics are allowed to use a product of a special composition, with a maximum sugar content of 9%. Doctors recommend eating this option for people with high blood sugar.

Norm of use

Scientists have calculated the dose of sweetness that benefits the body and does not harm it. It is recommended to consume 30–40 grams per day: this is slightly less than half of a standard bar. Such an amount of sweetness will help you get micro and macro elements, vitamins and stay in perfect shape.

What is the healthiest chocolate?

When choosing confectionery products, most focus on taste, not taking into account the beneficial properties of chocolate. According to the general opinion of the sweet tooth, the most delicious milk and white varieties, although due to the reduced amount of cocoa butter in them and the high sugar content, the benefits of the treat are minimal.

The percentage of cocoa butter is the main criterion for choosing a healthy treat. This component gives the product the desired consistency, contains a large amount of useful substances. A product without cocoa butter does not bring benefits.

Black has the maximum benefit for human health. Bars with 60 percent cocoa contain vitamins (B, PP, E), minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, iron), fatty acids, and dietary fiber.

For health, the most useful is dark chocolate. In bars with cocoa from 75% there is practically no sugar, so this variety is safe to use even during a diet. Although it has a bitter taste, not everyone likes its taste.

The black variety is a tooth-friendly delicacy. The antiseptic substance tannin contained in the product inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

The article is mainly devoted to useful and harmful properties adored by me and, I am sure, by you, a treat called chocolate. The benefits or harms of chocolate are determined by the nuances of its cultivation and production, the percentage of cocoa, the additional ingredients of the chocolate bar, the composition of the cocoa beans themselves, and, of course, how much you eat per day. I will help you understand the nuances and henceforth choose only healthy chocolate.

The main part of the materials used for the article was taken from Western gurus of a healthy lifestyle - Max Lugavere(Author of the New York Times bestseller Genius Foods) and Dr. Josh Ax(author of the books Eat Dirt, Essential Oils, and Keto Diet). Dr. Ex also releases various collagen and keto supplements under the Ancient Nutrition brand - you could see them on iHerb.

Useful properties of chocolate

So, let's start with the good and the most pleasant - health benefits of chocolate. And then I’ll tell you what kind of chocolate has this benefit, which one only partially, and which one doesn’t have it at all and is even harmful (spoiler: only bitter, I mean very dark, one might even say black, chocolate, but also far from all).

And remember that even the healthiest chocolate is recommended to be eaten in quantity. no more than 20-40 grams per day. Unfortunately, its daily intake is so low ... Although, I confess, I sometimes eat a little more in a day. 🙂

1. Vitamins and minerals in chocolate

And while chocolate boasts some vitamins, its real advantage is the large content micro and macro elements.

The tables below show the data on vitamins and minerals in 100 grams of dark chocolate with 100% cocoa content (of the specific sample studied, of course, the real data may vary slightly for different types) - the amounts and in brackets the percentage of the daily value. Accordingly, you can build on these numbers when calculating the benefits in chocolate with a lower percentage of cocoa.

2. Free radical protection

One of the main health benefits of dark chocolate is its ability to fight free radicals. free radicals are unbalanced compounds created by cellular processes in the body (primarily those that fight environmental toxins). Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize free radicals and protect the body from damage by them.

Antioxidants include vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, which are beneficial plant compounds. One of the most impressive properties of dark chocolate is its high antioxidant content, it even makes the list. Top 10 foods with the highest amount of them.

Others 9(in descending order of antioxidants): pecan, elderberry, wild blueberry (blueberry - possibly meant blueberry), artichoke, cranberry, kidni beans, blackberries, cilantro, goji berries.

Two groups of antioxidants predominate in dark chocolate: flavonoids And polyphenols. Cocoa contains more polyphenols and flavonoids than wine and tea. And the higher the percentage of cocoa in a dark chocolate bar, the more antioxidants you get.

3. Potential cancer prevention

One of the benefits of dark chocolate is its potential as food to fight cancer.

Here is what the American Cancer Institute said: “Given the rich supply of flavonoids in chocolate, the researchers decided to find out if it could play a role in cancer prevention. A recent review of studies on cocoa's cancer-protective properties found that the evidence is still limited, but suggestive. The authors concluded that more research should be done on the 'protective role of chocolate against cancer', as it provides 'strong antioxidant effects combined with a pleasant meal'."

4. Improves Heart Health

Flavanols are the main type of flavonoids in dark chocolate. Research conducted at the Cleveland Clinic has shown that flavanols have a very positive effect on heart health, helping to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart and brain. Dark chocolate flavanols can also help make platelets less sticky and less likely to clot, which reduces the risk of blood clots and strokes.

A study was published in the International Journal of Cardiology in which participants ate either a serving of dark chocolate with a high content of flavonoids or white chocolate without flavonoids daily for two weeks. The results showed that consumption of flavonoid-rich dark chocolate significantly improved blood circulation in healthy adults. On the other hand, white chocolate with zero flavonoids did not have a similar positive effect.

5. Good for overall cholesterol profile

Cocoa butter in dark chocolate contains equal amounts oleic acid(heart-healthy monounsaturated fats also found in olive oil) stearic and palmitic acids. Stearic and palmitic acids are both forms of saturated fat, but studies show that stearic acid appears to have a neutral effect on cholesterol, meaning it does not raise or lower it. Palmitic acid can raise cholesterol levels, but fortunately, it only makes up a small portion of the fat in dark chocolate. In addition, dark chocolate contains many beneficial nutrients that offset the effects of palmitic acid.

A 2009 study published in the Southern Medical Journal examined the effects of dark chocolate on 28 healthy volunteers. Researchers found that eating dark chocolate in just one week improved lipid profile and reduced platelet reactivity in both men and women, and inflammation only in women.

Research has also shown that:

  • Cocoa polyphenols may be involved in cholesterol control.
  • Three weeks of eating polyphenol-rich dark chocolate increased HDL (good) cholesterol levels.
  • A 15-day intake of polyphenol-rich dark chocolate led to a reduction in total and LDL (“bad”) cholesterol by 6.5% and 7.5%, respectively.
  • Seven days of regular dark chocolate consumption resulted in a 6% reduction in LDL cholesterol and a 9% increase in HDL cholesterol.

6. Improved cognitive functions

The study found that "regular cocoa intake is associated with increased blood flow to the gray matter of the brain, and it has been suggested that cocoa flavanols may be beneficial in conditions of reduced cerebral blood flow, including dementia and stroke."

A 2009 study published in the journal Nutrition showed property of dark chocolate, rich in flavonoids, to improve cognitive abilities, especially in the elderly. This cross-sectional study, which included more than 2,000 people aged 70 to 74, looked at the relationship between consumption of chocolate, wine, and tea (all rich in flavonoids) and cognitive performance. The researchers concluded that "consumption of foods rich in flavonoids, including chocolate, wine, and tea, is associated with improvements in performance in several dosage-dependent cognitive abilities."

7. Support normal blood pressure and blood sugar levels

There are at least 75 scientific articles looking at the connection between dark chocolate and blood pressure. A study published in 2015 compared the results of type 2 diabetics eating white chocolate and dark chocolate high in cocoa and polyphenols. The subjects ate 25 grams of dark or white chocolate daily for eight weeks. The researchers found that dark chocolate reduces not only blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but also fasting blood sugar.

Of course, if you're a diabetic, the higher the cocoa content of the chocolate (which also means the lower the sugar content), the better. It is also important to note that this was a very small amount of dark chocolate per day - only 25 grams.

8. Possible improvement in vision

At this point, it is still too early to claim improved vision as a specific benefit of dark chocolate. However, a human clinical study in June 2018 demonstrated how the contrast sensitivity and visual acuity of 30 healthy eye participants changed after eating dark chocolate and milk chocolate. The researchers found that two hours after eating chocolate, contrast sensitivity and visual acuity were higher with dark chocolate compared to milk chocolate. The study, however, concludes that the duration of these effects and their real-life implications require further study.

There is also evidence that chocolate consumption improves skin condition and increases physical endurance. Oh how! 🙂

Well, we figured out the useful properties. It remains to find out which dark chocolate will have these properties.

What kind of chocolate is useful (how to choose it correctly)

Alas, not all chocolate is healthy ...

Here 6 moments, which you should pay attention to when choosing chocolate in order to eat it not only with pleasure, but also with maximum health benefits.

1. Make sure chocolate is free of emulsifiers

To create chocolate, only 2 ingredients are required:

  • cocoa beans- usually ground into cocoa mass(aka cocoa paste, "cocoa liquor"), but sometimes skimmed and ground into cocoa powder. And more often than not cacao butter add.
  • Sweetenersugar or any other. Although there are chocolates without any sweetener at all, and delicious at the same time.

However, many tiles are crammed with additional ingredients that are at least useless, if not harmful.

For example, to create a delicate and creamy texture, products are often added emulsifiers. They are commonly found in ice cream, salad dressings, coffee creamers and, by extension, chocolate and candy bars.

Two specific emulsifiers, carboxymethylcellulose And polysorbate-80, had a powerful destructive effect on the microflora and intestinal mucosa in experiments on animals. Fortunately, as a rule, both of these substances are listed in the ingredient list. Just check the ingredients of the chocolate bar to make sure it does not contain carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80.

I also recommend choosing chocolate even without a natural emulsifier. lecithin(especially soy) is at least an unnecessary component. Of course, you should refrain from tiles with chemical flavoring and aromatic additives such as vanillin(sometimes they write: Vanilla flavoring).

2. Make sure the cocoa in the chocolate is not alkalized

That is, it has not been processed. alkalis, which is also called Dutch processing(English) processed with alkali, dutch processed cocoa). Alkalization is used to remove the acidity in cocoa, making it taste softer. This method is also used to give cocoa a more distinctive dark brown hue. Unfortunately, alkali treatment significantly reduces the value of cocoa for the body.

Polyphenols These are the compounds in chocolate that have huge health benefits ranging from increased athletic performance to improved vascular and cognitive function. Chocolate is actually one of the main dietary sources of polyphenols, but Dutch processing significantly reduces them.

As a rule, cocoa powder indicates whether it was treated with alkali or not (we are talking about goods from foreign companies, I have not seen anything on domestic ones). But on the packaging of chocolate bars, this information is most often not presented - you have to ask the manufacturer for it.

When chocolate from iHerb is not available, I buy Ashan's bitter bio-chocolate or at the kraynyak Lindt Excellence- both with cocoa content 85% . I couldn't get any information from Ashan's tiles. In this Lindt chocolate, cocoa is not alkalized, so you can eat it. However, be aware that alkalized cocoa is present in Lindt bitter bars with 90% and 99% cocoa.

3. Choose chocolate with 85% or more cocoa.

The fact is that at a cocoa content of less than 85%, chocolate begins to deviate into an area known as "hypertasty" (hyperpalatability is a term used by Western nutrition scientists to describe food that is "incredibly tasty"). Only processed foods acquire the property that is usually created to stimulate their insatiable consumption, turning them into a kind of food drug. Foods that are hyper-tasty usually include nice texture, salt, sugar and fat.

4. Avoid white and milk chocolate

Since they are simply candies with a minimum cocoa content (or even without it in the case of white chocolate - it contains only cocoa butter). In addition, white and milk chocolate contain a huge amount of sugar.

In general, in milk and especially white chocolate, the harm from consumption exceeds the possible benefits.

5. Choose organic (eco-friendly)

Firstly, the advantage of eating organic food is that it does not affect them (and then our body) chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. However, their benefits are not limited to this.

Some of the healthiest substances in food are, as mentioned above, their polyphenols, which are synthesized by plants as a defense mechanism against fungi and other pests. When there is no need to defend, the plant produces fewer polyphenols. By choosing organic products, including bio-chocolate, you ensure higher polyphenol content in your diet.

6. Avoid lead and cadmium

Lead has long been a major public health problem, with its effects linked to a variety of neurological disorders, including learning disabilities, seizures, and low IQ. Developing fetuses and children are especially vulnerable to lead exposure because their brains are in critical stages of growth and development.

Cadmium can lead to damage to the kidneys, liver and bones, disrupt neurobehavioral development.

Lead and cadmium are also classified as reproductive toxins.

What does this have to do with chocolate? Both of these elements are found in it. Over 100 cocoa products have been independently lab tested for lead and cadmium by As You Sow, a monitoring organization. They found that most products contained lead and/or cadmium above the threshold recognized as safe by the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxin Protection Act of 1986 (California Proposition 65).

But this is with regard to Californian standards, which, as you know, are very low in comparison with others. And specifically for lead, they are unreasonably low, as I wrote about in an article about California Proposition 65 (there is many times more lead in my favorite broccoli and avocado!). Whether they are unjustifiably low in cadmium, I don’t know. But in Europe, the allowable rates are several times higher.

Here are the specific limits for these two chemicals in food:

  • California Proposition 65: Cadmium - 4.1 mcg, lead - 0.5 mcg per serving.
  • EU standards. For cadmium for chocolate with 50% cocoa content and above - 80 mcg per 100 g of product, for cocoa powder - 60 mcg per 100 g. There does not seem to be a standard for lead specifically for cocoa products, but you can navigate, for example, for indicators for legumes and cereals - 20 mcg per 100 g of product. Moreover, chocolate is usually eaten less than cereals with legumes.

Moreover, EU standards were tightened on January 1, 2019, and anyway, look, what's the difference with California. Here is a link to an EU white paper with data on other products and chemicals, including chocolate with a lower percentage of cocoa.

And I will compare California with Europe using one example - dark chocolate Equal Exchange Very Dark 71%(it used to be possible, now it is withdrawn from sale).

It was tested three times by As You Sow, and failed by California standards every time. I will take the test data with the highest indicators: lead - 1 mcg, cadmium - 8.1 mcg per serving. Portion in this case 40 grams. The limit norms according to EU standards based on 40 g are as follows: lead - 8 mcg, cadmium - 32 mcg. Thus, this chocolate bar through the eyes of Europe is quite safe.

Personally, this is what I decided for myself. Cocoa is such a product that the presence of lead and cadmium cannot be avoided. And he is by no means the richest in them. The benefits of chocolate (bitter and with reasonable use) are so high that I turn a blind eye to heavy metals - and in this article I simply share with you what I have learned.

Of course, if possible and aware, one should reduce the intake of heavy metals into the body, including choosing chocolates that contain less of them. But since their impact cannot be completely avoided, the most important thing is support the detoxification functions of the body, and maybe some serious purges to carry out.


In summary, in my opinion, the huge advantages of eating chocolate clearly outweigh the small disadvantages, and therefore ...

Eat chocolate. Try to love bitter. Choose organic whenever possible, without lecithin and other additives. And don't forget to take good care of your body. 😉

What is more from eating chocolate - benefit or harm to the body? What are the health benefits of this sweet dessert product? How are the properties of chocolate used for medicinal purposes and in the cosmetics industry? All these questions, of course, concern both the sweet tooth themselves and nutritionists who include or strictly exclude this dessert from the diet.

The influence of the properties of chocolate on the human body: is the product useful or harmful?

How often in everyday life, wondering whether the properties of chocolate are useful or harmful, we hear the following phrases: “Chocolate is bad!”, “Chocolate makes you better!”, “Chocolate causes diabetes!”. But is it really so? Does chocolate really have no useful properties and is it harmful to the body? In fact, there are, and there are a lot of them.

An ideal product that has medicinal properties when used inside and outside, fragrant, tasty and affordable, does not leave indifferent children and the elderly, capricious ladies and courageous men...

Today, cocoa, which is called the chocolate tree in our country, is also grown on other continents. The fruit, the ripening of which lasts four months, is small in cocoa, and its length ranges from 20–38 centimeters. In appearance, it resembles a large cucumber or small melon, with a leathery, slightly woody shell of red, reddish-brown, green or yellow, changing in the process of ripening. A single seed (bean) is covered with an oily skin.

The valuable properties of chocolate for health are due to the fact that the cocoa beans of the chocolate tree contain up to 300 different nutrients. The approximate chemical composition of the cocoa bean is as follows: fats - 54%, proteins - 11.5%, cellulose - 9%, starch and polysaccharides - 7.5%, tannin - 6%, water - 5%, minerals and salts - 2 .6%, organic acids - 2%, saccharides - 1% and caffeine - 0.2%. Among the substances contained in cocoa beans and determining the properties of chocolate, one can note: anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatechin, histamine, cocohil, serotonin, tryptophan, tyramine, phenylethylamine, polyphenol, salsolinol, magnesium.

Numerous studies have noted that the fats contained in cocoa beans are referred to as saturated fats. But at the same time, these allegedly harmful properties of chocolate do not have a harmful effect on the human body - this product does not increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. The composition of cocoa beans is such that the elements included in it organically complement each other. For example, chromium is involved in the breakdown of glucose, maintaining normal blood sugar levels, and promotes fat metabolism. All these properties of chocolate are used in cosmetology, medicine, and with proper nutrition.

The cocoa product is consumed in two forms - in liquid, like a drink, and in solid, in the form of chocolate. The solid product obtained from cocoa beans is called chocolate and is divided into types according to the amount of cocoa. The sugar content in any type of chocolate should not exceed 63% for regular chocolate (bars without additives) and 55% for dessert chocolate mass (bars with various fillings).

According to the content of cocoa, chocolate is divided into bitter, milk and white. Bitter chocolate is made from cocoa butter, grated cocoa and powdered sugar, and the ratio of grated cocoa and sugar changes the taste of the product, making it more or less bitter. Such chocolate has more health benefits and is the most valuable both for nutrition and for use in cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The composition of milk chocolate is similar to bitter, only the amount of grated cocoa in it is less and powdered milk with a fat content of 2.5% is always present. Sometimes dry cream is used instead of milk. Finally, white chocolate is made by mixing cocoa butter, sugar, milk powder and vanillin. Cocoa powder is not added to such a product, so white chocolate has a creamy (white) color and a unique “milky” taste.

Antioxidant and other properties of chocolate for medicinal purposes and cosmetology

The beneficial properties of chocolate for humans make it possible to use this product for the prevention of colds - scientists from the UK have discovered the excellent properties of this dessert in the fight against coughing. Cocoa also strengthens blood vessels, which helps in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. Of course, chocolate is not a medicine and does not cure a sick person, but its beneficial properties are so wide that they will help you not get sick, protecting you from many ailments. The same vitamin A, found in sufficient quantities in cocoa beans, helps to lower blood pressure and stabilize blood cholesterol levels, that is, it has an active antidiabetic effect.

The trace elements that are part of chocolate have a healing and tonic effect on the skin. Thus, the substance cocohyl, discovered at the University of Münster, smoothes wrinkles and promotes the growth of skin cells, while methylxanthine and caffeine further tone it. Therefore, it is especially important to use cocoa for applying masks in the areas of the neck and face. The presence of palmitic, stearic and other acids in cocoa butter is important for combating dry skin, and vitamin A helps in skin regeneration. Histamine, found in chocolate, is actively involved in the rejuvenation of skin cells, promotes the healing of wounds, burns and the consequences of allergic reactions. After chocolate therapy, the skin becomes velvety, and age spots and acne become pale and may even disappear altogether.

Cocoa contains caffeine, which is involved in the normalization of the metabolic processes of the whole organism and its largest organ - the skin. Caffeine stimulates blood circulation and has a tonic effect. These beneficial properties are very useful in the fight against excess weight and cellulite. In addition, caffeine promotes hair growth, which is useful when using cosmetic products designed for the scalp. Vitamins B are involved in all biological processes in the skin, and vitamin PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Cocoa bean oil is rich in vitamin F, which contains several important fatty acids, such as stearic, linoleic, palmitic and others, which contribute to the regeneration of skin cells by restoring their membranes and retaining moisture. The necessary tightening of the skin, the so-called lifting effect, is provided by substances from the group of alkaloids - theophylline and theobromine. Lipids present in cocoa beans are involved in the renewal of the stratum corneum. They determine the antioxidant properties of chocolate and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and a group of phenols (polyphenols), protecting cell membranes from the effects of free radicals, has a decongestant, rejuvenating effect and improves overall immunity. The effect of the anti-carcinogenic properties of chocolate on the human body makes it indispensable in the prevention of cancer and strengthening the immune system.

Studies have shown a significant difference in the properties of real chocolate from wild beans and beans grown on plantations. Cacao harvested in the jungle is richer in vitamins and minerals, and a process of low-temperature processing of beans has been developed to preserve these beneficial components. The authors of this process called their product "living cocoa". The authors recommend using this product in the form of beans (just chew them), in powder (brew in warm water or eat with fruit). The main thing that the authors of the idea categorically object to is thermal high-temperature processing of cocoa, which destroys most of the valuable properties of cocoa beans. But here, of course, the choice is yours.

But if you want to enhance the benefits of cocoa beans, use cocoa liquor or cocoa butter, or even better, buy cocoa beans that you can grind yourself to get a product with the highest level of polyphenol antioxidants. You can snack on unprocessed crushed cocoa beans, because the content of healthy fats in them exceeds 50%, while in the finished cocoa butter five times less! And you don't just have to nibble on bitter cocoa beans - make them an integral part of any product: from cocktails to confectionery. Get not only a powerful boost of antioxidants, but also an excellent chocolate taste.

The composition of chocolate, its benefits and harms

The medicinal properties of chocolate are due to the composition of cocoa beans, which include a huge number of biochemical compounds that can be classified as follows:

  • fats, which make up approximately 54% of the composition;
  • proteins in cocoa is 11.5%;
  • carbohydrates, including sucrose, starch and pectins, make up to 8%;
  • free amino acids in an amount of about 12%;
  • minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and others) up to 5%;
  • vitamins (A, B, B, E, PP and others);
  • phenols, including flavonoids;
  • terpenoids;
  • purine alkaloids (theobromine);
  • caffeine in the amount of 0.2%;
  • phenethylamine.

The natural compounds found in cocoa beans help the body produce the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) serotonin, tryptophan, and dopamine that affect overall mood and energy. With a low level of production of these substances, a depressive state occurs, which contributes to the emergence of various neuroses.

Among the various useful elements of chocolate, calcium and phosphorus salts, glycerides, theobromine can be noted. It is an alkaloid that, like caffeine, has a stimulating effect on the human cardiovascular and nervous systems. Chocolate typically contains about 0.4% theobromine, which is enough to give chocolate in the bar or hot chocolate as a drink a tonic that can increase performance and relieve fatigue. In addition to theobromine, cocoa beans contain 0.05-0.1% caffeine, which also tones the body. At the beginning of the 19th century, hot chocolate was sold in pharmacies as a means of giving strength and vigor.

Chocolate with a high content of cocoa increases the production of serotonin (“hormone of joy”), and most cocoa is found in dark chocolate. The higher the percentage of cocoa content, the stronger the effect. At the same time, chocolate containing at least 74% cocoa may well be considered a dietary product. There is relatively little sugar in it, and because of its rather bitter taste, you won’t eat much of it.

Speaking about the beneficial and harmful properties of chocolate, it should be borne in mind that this product contains a large amount of fat and sugar (27 g and 54 g, respectively, per 100 g of dark chocolate), so its excessive consumption leads to weight gain and increases the risk of diabetes mellitus. Due to the high content of oxalates in cocoa products, they are not recommended for people with a tendency to form sand and kidney stones.

Useful properties of bitter (dark) chocolate

The following are the health benefits of dark chocolate for the human body:

  • The bitter variety is considered the most useful. It contains the maximum amount of grated cocoa, but very little sugar, which explains its special taste. It should be noted that a product that contains about 40% cocoa butter is called black, and a capacity of 70% of this substance characterizes dark chocolate.
  • The high content of tacoferons contributes to a feeling of joy, improves blood circulation, eliminates fatigue during physical and mental stress;
  • It is the beneficial properties of dark chocolate that contribute most to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and the formation of blood clots;
  • Real dark chocolate contains stearic acid, which cleanses blood vessels;
  • It also reduces the risk of diabetes.

The composition of vitamins and valuable properties of dark chocolate for health

Composition of vitamins and microelements in dark chocolate (per 100 g of product):

  • vitamin PP (niacin equivalent, that is, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide) - 2.1 mg at a daily rate of 15 to 25 mg,
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 0.9 mg at a daily rate of 20 to 50 mg,
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg at a daily rate of 1.5-2 mg,
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.07 mg at a daily rate of 2-2.5 mg,
  • vitamin E (tocopherol and tocotrienol) - 0.8 mg at a daily rate of 10-20 mg,
  • iron (Fe) - 5.6 mg at a daily rate of 10-20 mg,
  • magnesium (Mg) - 133 mg at a daily rate of 400-800 mg,
  • calcium (Ca) - 45 mg at a daily rate of 800-1000 mg,
  • potassium (K) - 363 mg at a daily rate of 2000-3000 mg,
  • phosphorus (P) - 170 mg at a daily rate of 1000-1200 mg,
  • sodium (Na) - 8 mg at a daily rate of 2000-4000 mg.

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate help in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, stabilize the level of bad cholesterol; improve blood flow to the brain; reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Useful properties of white and dark chocolate

White chocolate does not contain cocoa mass or cocoa powder. "Chocolate" taste is formed through the use of. The oil is usually used deodorized to eliminate unwanted side flavors. Sugar is more often replaced with cheap sweeteners or refined sugar is used. Milk for white chocolate is used only dry. Very often hydrogenated vegetable fats are used for cheap white chocolates. Sometimes these fats replace cocoa butter, and the aroma and taste of cocoa is obtained using flavors and artificial flavors. According to international rules, white chocolate should have the following proportions:

  • at least 20% cocoa butter
  • 14% dry milk
  • 3.5% milk fat
  • no more than 55% sugar or sweeteners

White chocolate can be useful for those who love chocolate, but are unable to eat dark or milk chocolate due to the theobromine contained in cocoa, which has stimulating and tonic properties. White chocolate does not contain theobromine and caffeine.

The beneficial properties of natural white chocolate are due to the content of B vitamins and minerals (though in very small amounts). Of greater importance in the composition is potassium, phosphorus and choline. But they are completely absent - caffeine and theobromine, substances that have an exciting effect and provoke allergic reactions.

Dark chocolate helps the brain absorb information and also improves mood. In the cocoa butter, which is part of chocolate, there are a lot of vegetable proteins necessary for the development of brain cells.

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate due to the presence of antioxidants in its composition are that it protects the brain vessels from atherosclerosis, prevents strokes and heart attacks, and creates conditions for the normalization of blood pressure. However, this does not mean that this product should be consumed in large quantities. Daily use of the third part of the bar can fully reveal the beneficial properties of chocolate.

Useful properties of chocolate and contraindications to its use

Remembering the beneficial properties of chocolate, do not forget about contraindications to its use. So, cocoa beans contain nitrogen-containing components that harm metabolic processes. So, for diabetics and people suffering from obesity, chocolate is simply contraindicated.

Is chocolate the culprit of excess weight? Although this is indeed a high-calorie product, the main sources of calories are glucose and milk. So you can easily calculate what will give us fewer calories - dark chocolate or milk chocolate. But in general, the carbohydrates contained in chocolate are broken down quickly and consumed just as quickly. And in reasonable quantities, they will not cause harm to health.

Chocolate contains caffeine and theophylline, which cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and enlargement of the prostate gland (prostate) in men. One cup of cocoa or hot chocolate can contain between 6 and 42 mg of caffeine.

Caffeine contributes to an increased heart rate (tachycardia) and a slight increase in blood pressure, which is why people who have had a heart attack are advised to reduce their consumption of chocolate (125-gram chocolate bar contains more caffeine than a cup of instant coffee).

Bitter chocolate is contraindicated in children. Yes, they probably won't like it.

Dark dark chocolate is a confectionery product that contains more than 70% cocoa beans.

Composition of dark chocolate

The chemical composition of the treat contains such useful substances:

  • flavonoids - biologically active substances that prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • tannins - have antibacterial properties;
  • stearic acid - helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • phenols - dilate blood vessels, strengthen the circulatory system;
  • antioxidants - prevent the oxidation of the body and the development of oncology;
  • minerals - magnesium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc;
  • B vitamins and vitamin E.

The composition of dark chocolate also contains caffeine, which has a tonic effect on the body, gives a charge of energy, vivacity, and increases efficiency.

Calorie content and daily intake

Dark chocolate is high in calories. There are about 540 kcal per 100 g of the product. Therefore, treats should not be abused. The daily intake is 25-30 g, no more than one third of a standard chocolate bar.

Useful properties of dark chocolate

  • minimizes the risk of developing cardiovascular disease . The product lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the heart muscle, stabilizes blood pressure, provides prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, heart attack, stroke;
  • regulates the functioning of the nervous system . The production of serotonin, the so-called joy hormone, is activated. Therefore, after a slice of chocolate, people's mood rises, a surge of strength is provided, working capacity and endurance improve, irritability is eliminated;
  • does not cause sudden spikes in blood glucose levels . Real chocolate contains little or no sugar. Therefore, it is relatively safe for consumption by people with high sugar levels and an underlying medical condition;
  • dark chocolate is food for the brain . It stimulates intellectual activity, increases concentration, improves memory;
  • slows down the physiological processes of aging . Antioxidants and vitamins in chocolate have a rejuvenating effect, improve skin condition, increasing its elasticity and smoothness. Antioxidants also provide anti-cancer protection;
  • protects the skin from harmful UV rays ;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract . Natural dark chocolate is considered a good prebiotic. It contributes to the normalization of the intestinal microflora, the elimination of the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, the development of beneficial bifidobacteria. Due to this, the process of digestion and intestinal peristalsis is normalized;
  • strengthens the immune system , increases the body's own defenses against viral infections.

Who benefits from dark dark chocolate?

The product in moderation is useful for people who suffer from nervous disorders, depression or apathy, insomnia, irritability. It is also needed for those who experience high physical exertion at work or in the process of sports training.

It will be of great benefit to pupils and students who need to memorize and process a large amount of information in the learning process.

Chocolate should be consumed by people with high cholesterol, problems with blood vessels and heart disease, and hypertensive patients. It should be a product with the most natural composition and without sugar, dyes, preservatives.

The product is useful for everyone during the cold season, as it strengthens the immune system and helps prevent diseases.

Benefits of dark chocolate for women

A small amount of chocolate is good for women who experience symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and painful sensations during menstruation. The product normalizes mood swings, eliminates irritability and reduces the increased feeling of hunger.

Dark chocolate lovers do not have problems in the intimate area, as it increases libido.

Women's beauty can also be maintained by regular consumption of dark chocolate without sugar. The skin will become more toned, fresh, elastic.

Everyone who cares about their harmony and wants to lose weight can also indulge in a piece of their favorite treat. Chocolate will not settle on the sides in the form of fat deposits, but it will speed up all metabolic processes and metabolism, due to which the process of losing weight will accelerate.

The bitter product is also very popular in cosmetology for external use. With its help, body wraps are carried out, which helps to improve the condition of the skin, tighten it, eliminate sagging and cellulite manifestations. Chocolate-based face masks are also very effective.

Dark chocolate: benefits for men

A delicious dessert is a natural aphrodisiac. It stimulates blood flow and provides a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, thereby increasing potency and sexual desire.

Thanks to the rich mineral complex, the product activates the synthesis of testosterone and improves the quality of seminal fluid. Moderate consumption of chocolate will increase the chances of conceiving a child.

Athletes eat dark chocolate shortly before training to feel energized and increase their endurance. The rich composition of the product accelerates the growth of muscle mass.

Contraindications and harm of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is beneficial in small amounts and can cause significant harm to the body if consumed uncontrollably and immoderately.

The presence of tasty additives - nuts, raisins, cookie crumbs, sugar - negates all the benefits of dessert. The most useful pure chocolate with a maximum content of cocoa beans and cocoa butter.

Excessive consumption of chocolate can negatively affect the acidity of the stomach, upward, which increases the risk of gastritis and other diseases.

Who should not eat dark chocolate?

  • obese people . The product contains a lot of calories and fats, and with existing metabolic disorders in the body, it can aggravate the situation;
  • women during breastfeeding . A newborn baby may develop colic or rashes. The product should be introduced into the diet from very small portions, monitoring the reaction of the baby;
  • children under 3 years old . The still not fully formed digestive system of children cannot fully absorb the product;
  • people with allergies . Chocolate is a fairly strong allergen, therefore, if negative symptoms occur, it is better to stop taking it;
  • those who often suffer from migraines . The active substances of cocoa beans contribute to the narrowing and spasms of cerebral vessels. Migraines and frequent headaches can get worse because of this.

If you are sick, you should be very careful about the consumption of chocolate. A product with 0% sugar and a low glycemic index may be acceptable in their diet, but before doing so, they should consult with their doctor.

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