Do they take it with hepatitis B? How does the service work under a contract with hepatitis B?


  • Why is a contract service necessary?
  • How is a candidate's suitability for military service determined?
  • Is it possible to serve in the military with hepatitis?
  • What to do if hepatitis is detected during service

Service under a contract with hepatitis B is always considered taking into account the laws of the Russian Federation, taking into account the contractual obligations of the parties and the health status of candidates for the Armed Forces.

Why is a contract service necessary?

Against the backdrop of the ever-increasing activity of reactionary forces, there is a need to staff the army ranks with professionals. Contract service makes it possible to strengthen the military infrastructure in any hot spot and improve the quality of operational and combat training of military personnel.

In plans to create a modern army on the basis of contract service, much attention is paid to the high-quality training of defenders of the Motherland. In particular, it is planned to increase the total number of contract employees to 45,000 people by January 2017.

The creation of a professional army is based on the careful selection of future soldiers, followed by sending them to special training and monitoring the health of military personnel.

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How is a candidate's suitability for military service determined?

The Ministry of Defense notes that the training of future defenders of the Motherland is carried out in several stages. The basis is a target program consisting of initial, preliminary and, somewhat later, in-depth selection. In any case, the activities of special mobile posts and military commissariats, as well as military units, play a big role.

Medical commissions are called upon to carry out a preliminary assessment of the mental state of candidates and issue a medical report on the possibility of contract service. The professional suitability of future soldiers is determined in 4 stages. In the process of examining a candidate, his character and timeliness of reactions, intelligence, and level of intelligence are taken into account.

Medical examination is carried out on the basis of regulations by a special commission after the candidate provides the necessary documents. The medical team carries out work in two stages, forming a conclusion on the suitability of persons applying for contract service in the Russian Armed Forces.

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Is it possible to serve in the military with hepatitis?

After a medical examination, persons included in categories A, B, C, D and D for health reasons are allowed to serve. Regulatory documents have strengthened the requirements of the Ministry of Defense for the health of future soldiers. New selection rules, for example, prohibit the recruitment of persons with a history of diseases such as tuberculosis and syphilis.

Hepatitis B detected in a military serviceman serving under a contract may serve as grounds for his early dismissal if an appropriate decision is made by the Central Military Commission.

Treatment is provided free of charge in the hospital as prescribed by the doctor. If the disease has become chronic, but liver function is preserved, candidates for contract service are recognized by the medical commission as having limited fitness.

For a final decision on the possibility of serving, it is necessary to submit to the military commission documents confirming the diagnosis of hepatitis B or C, issued by a specialized medical institution.

It is impossible to cure hepatitis C, and without special nutrition and appropriate treatment in military conditions, the number of relapses of the disease and its transition to a chronic form increases. Candidates for contract service with a history of hepatitis B must have documents indicating the presence of concomitant diseases, as well as test results, ECG, and ultrasound of the liver.

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What to do if hepatitis is detected during service

For health reasons, a soldier serving under a contract may be dismissed from the armed forces in accordance with the conclusion of the military medical commission on the basis of relevant documents.

The hepatitis C contract service provides for the recognition of a citizen as having limited fitness and takes into account changes in health status at the time of diagnosis.

Military personnel with chronic liver disease are not allowed to continue serving in foreign countries.

Carriers of the Australian B antigen are a source of infection for others. The chronic form of the disease occurs in a soldier for six months, causing complications in the functioning of the entire body. For persons who are carriers of the antigen, restrictions on service are introduced after treatment in the infectious diseases department for a period established by the military medical commission.

If a candidate for contract service has been treated in a hospital and is found to be a carrier of the Australian antigen, and also has positive results for the DNA of the hepatitis causative agent, the commission makes a conclusion about unsuitability for service, establishing category “G”.

If the minimal activity of the virus in the body clearly determines the likelihood of commissioning, then in the event of the development of an inactive phase of the disease, a delay is possible, followed by additional examination to confirm the diagnosis of hepatitis. If liver function is not impaired, candidates for contract service or those undergoing service in military units are examined under point “B”, and for persons holding officer positions - under point “C”.

Women serving under contract in the armed forces and who are carriers of the Australian antigen confirm the activity of the process in the liver by providing the appropriate tests:

  • biopsy results;
  • blood tests;
  • ultrasound data.

Military service is the duty of every self-respecting man. But this is not possible for everyone. In order to withstand all the trials of military service with honor, you must have good health. Young men often wonder if they are being drafted into the army with hepatitis B. This disease is being diagnosed more and more often today. Everything will depend on the form and severity of the disease.

Features of the disease

Hepatitis B is a serious viral disease that affects liver cells. According to the latest statistics, more than 350 million people are carriers of this virus. If the problem is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, serious complications may develop. In the most severe cases, the person dies.

Experts have identified a group of people who most often suffer from hepatitis:

  • Women and men who are not too picky in their choice of sexual partners and do not use a condom.
  • Patients with a number of other diseases that seriously compromise the immune system.
  • People of non-traditional sexual orientation.
  • Drug addicts who practice intravenous intoxication.
  • People whose sexual partners suffer from hepatitis.
  • Patients whose treatment involves blood transfusion.
  • Medical workers.
  • People suffering from severe mental illness.

This dangerous diagnosis is often given to young people. About 90% of all cases occur in infants and children under five years of age.

How does hepatitis B manifest?

The symptoms of the disease are determined by its form and severity. Several options are possible:

  • Hepatitis in acute form. The incubation period can last up to 180 days. During this period, the problem may not manifest itself in any way. Afterwards, a person’s immunity begins to actively decline, appetite disappears, and body temperature rises. I suffer from headaches, cough, pain in the throat and joints. In a later phase, jaundice appears. The eye sclera takes on a dirty yellow tint, and the color of the urine changes. Yellowing is also observed on the skin of the palms. During this time, the severity of other symptoms may decrease.
  • Hepatitis B, accompanied by severe renal failure. At the same time, the person experiences constant weakness, has nightmares at night, and is often dizzy. The disease is accompanied by attacks of nausea and vomiting, unnecessary bleeding, and bruising on the skin.
  • Chronic stage of the disease. If the acute form of the disease is treated at the wrong time or incorrectly, then it quickly develops into chronic. The first sign of such a problem is fatigue, drowsiness, and disturbances in sleep and wakefulness. A person loses his appetite, suffers from digestive problems, attacks of vomiting and nausea. The urine becomes significantly darker, yellowing of the skin is observed, and yellowness is also noted on the sclera of the eyes. In rare cases, the chronic form of the disease is asymptomatic. At the same time, all sorts of complications are diagnosed that seriously worsen the state of health.

The chronic form of the disease is considered the most dangerous. In most cases it is impossible to completely defeat it. Long-term systematic treatment will be required.

The earlier hepatitis B is diagnosed, the greater the chance of staying healthy. Therefore, at the first alarming symptoms, you need to seek help from specialists.

Disease markers

The question of whether someone with hepatitis is accepted into the army or not will largely be determined by which marker of the disease is identified in the young man. The following options are possible:

  • Anti-HbsAg, HbsAb, anti-Hbs. Such antibodies are found in the patient's blood when the virus is active. This is an indicator that the disease has been cured or vaccinated. This result indicates that the person has developed immunity. The army with such a diagnosis is not contraindicated.
  • The detection of such an antigen indicates that the person is infected. Such patients are considered dangerous to others, so military service in such a situation is impossible.
  • Anti-HBc. This antigen is synthesized in the blood if the causative agent of the disease is present. Once detected, serious treatment will be required. Such young people are not suitable for military training.
  • Anti-HbcIgM. The detection of such an antigen indicates that the disease has progressed to an acute stage. This is possible after improper treatment of the chronic form of the problem. In this case, the person is removed from military service.
  • People whose blood contains such antibodies pose the greatest danger to others. The virus is in a stage of increased activity. The patient is strictly prohibited from visiting places where there are large crowds of people, including military service.
  • Anti-Hbe. The presence of such an antigen indicates a sluggish chronic form of the problem. The virus is practically inactive, so military service is allowed.
  • The presence of antigen indicates an advanced stage of the disease. The virus rapidly destroys liver cells. In such a situation, serious long-term treatment is required, therefore, there can be no talk of serving in the army.

The above antigens are detected as a result of laboratory tests of the patient's blood. The most commonly used technique is polymerase chain reaction.

Legal aspect of the problem

If you are drafted into the army with hepatitis C or B, this is a reason to seek help from lawyers. In most cases, such a diagnosis is a good reason to recognize the young man as unfit for military training. The main thing is to correctly prepare all accompanying documentation. Detailed rules for such a procedure are established by current legislation.

You can avoid military service only if you have a certificate of illness. To do this, you will have to undergo a full medical examination and be registered with a medical institution. If hepatitis A is diagnosed, the patient can only count on a deferment from military service. After completing the course of treatment, a new examination is prescribed, which will confirm or refute the cure.

To be absolutely sure that people with hepatitis C and B will not be taken into the army, it is better to consult with a lawyer. He will help you understand in detail the rules for preparing all documents. The specifics of obtaining exemption are prescribed in Law No. 59.

A complete list of diseases for which military service is contraindicated is given in the regulations on medical and military examination. Hepatitis is affected by paragraphs 1 and 59 of this document. Particular attention is paid to the question of whether people with chronic hepatitis are recruited into the army. This disease destroys liver cells over a long period of time. In such a situation, everything will depend on the state of the virus. If it is not active and does not develop, then the person is sent for military service.

Registration of exemption from military service

To prevent a person suffering from hepatitis from being drafted into the army, all documents must be completed correctly. When such a serious diagnosis is made, the patient is registered at a medical institution. To obtain an exemption, you will need to prepare the following documents:

  • Obtain a certificate from your attending physician. It must indicate an accurate diagnosis. The certificate is valid only with the signature of a specialist and the seal of the medical institution. The conscript must submit such a document to representatives of the draft commission. Otherwise, an additional examination is prescribed.
  • When a young person is not under the control of specialists from a medical institution, he will have to prove the presence of the disease. To do this, you will have to collect the opinions of all the doctors who performed the examination and the results of laboratory tests. The military commission will schedule a full examination at an accredited medical institution.
  • After the commission decides that a person is unfit for service, he is issued a military ID with the appropriate mark.

Modern military commissions trust only the conclusions of large clinics. Therefore, it is not uncommon for them to prescribe a repeat examination at a specific institution. There is no need to be afraid of this. If the disease actually exists, then doctors will identify it and draw up an appropriate conclusion.

What to do if you are drafted into the army?

Hepatitis C, B and military service are incompatible. But sometimes situations arise in which, due to certain circumstances, they try to call up a sick young man for military service. In such a situation, the conscript must act as follows:

  • First of all, you need to seek help from a qualified lawyer. He will explain all the intricacies of formalizing exemption from the army and will help resolve a conflict situation with the military commission.
  • You will need to collect all the evidence of your illness: certificates from doctors, examination results, opinions of independent experts, and so on.
  • You must register with a medical institution. Only by being under the constant supervision of specialists will it be possible to punish one’s unsuitability for military service.
  • If the military commission flatly refuses to accept all the conscript’s arguments and sends him to military service, then there is only one option left - to go to court. A lawyer will help you competently draw up a statement of claim and, if necessary, will accompany the process.

Such situations are extremely rare. Patients diagnosed with hepatitis B are most often immediately exempt from military service.

In some cases, a young person may be given “restricted fitness” status. He may be called up for military service in the event of general mobilization.

How should a person behave?

Hepatitis B is a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. Therefore, a person with such a diagnosis must follow certain precautions:

  • Wash your hands and face as often as possible. In this case, it is better to use separate hygiene devices. This is especially true for those items that may contain contaminated blood. These include: razors, epilators, toothbrushes, manicure and pedicure devices.
  • If wounds or abrasions appear on your body, you should not ask your loved ones for help. It is better to handle the damage yourself. After disinfection, open wounds must be covered with a plaster or sterile bandage. If it is impossible to carry out the manipulations yourself, then the person helping must wear medical gloves. A tiny crack in the skin is enough for the virus to enter the bloodstream.
  • If infected blood accidentally gets on any household items, they will have to be thoroughly disinfected. Any chlorine-containing solutions are suitable for these purposes.
  • Bed linen, underwear and towels must be boiled. Moreover, you need to boil the laundry for at least two minutes. Clothes that have been exposed to drops of blood should be washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees. Washing time is at least half an hour.

Following these recommendations will help protect others from the risk of infection. But this does not provide a 100% guarantee of safety. It is impossible to completely isolate the victim. A sick person should not be left alone, he should always feel supported.

Hepatitis B is a valid reason for declaring a person unfit for military service. If any conflict situations arise, it is best to seek help from lawyers.

The question of whether people with hepatitis are accepted into the army is of interest to many young people of military age. In order to answer it independently, conscripts need to know all the nuances of diseases such as hepatitis B and C, and how to build their lives after learning such a diagnosis.

With a diagnosis such as chronic hepatitis B, C or A, a young man cannot be called up for service, since any kind of physical activity is contraindicated for the patient, and a gentle diet is recommended.

In addition, the army cannot provide ongoing medical care for such patients.

It follows that army life is not suitable for people with hepatitis B, C or A, as a result of which they cannot be drafted into the ranks of the Russian army.

According to statistics, Russia has more than 8 million young people who are old enough to serve in the army, but are not fit for combat service.

Very often, before passing a commission to determine a conscript’s suitability for military service, he may already have suffered from one of the viral hepatitis. In this case, if the disease has already passed, the conclusion will be as follows:

  1. If a conscript has had hepatitis C, he is in any case declared unfit for military service. You just need to confirm the fact of the disease.
  2. If a conscript has had hepatitis A or B and there were no complications after the illness, then you can count on a deferment of 6 months. During the deferment, the candidate is assessed for possible consequences. If no consequences for the liver are detected, then the person is drafted into the army on a general basis. If, after examination in a hospital, liver dysfunction is determined, then the man receives a guaranteed exemption from serving in the armed forces.

The situation is similar with service on a contract basis. In this case, if the initial test result is positive, the patient will not be sent for additional examination, but will immediately be given a certificate of unfitness for health reasons.

Don't forget that:

  1. Persons with hepatitis C are given a certificate of unfitness for military service only in peacetime.
  2. If fighting and martial law suddenly begin in the country, then, despite the diagnosis, the young man will be drafted into the army.

If the infection occurred in the service, this can happen when using someone else's machine while shaving, then the patient will be discharged from the army for health reasons. Thus, we can say with confidence that young people with hepatitis cannot be recruited into the army for further combat service.

Serving in the army is a debt to the Motherland that every man must pay. However, hepatitis C is a serious limitation for the service, and patients with such a diagnosis are not subject to conscription. If a young man is nevertheless recruited into the army with hepatitis, then we are talking about either another form of the disease or martial law.

Hepatitis C and military service

Such a serious viral disease as hepatitis C implies a lot of restrictions, including the following:

  • lack of serious physical activity;
  • regularly taking certain medications;
  • regular medical examination;
  • absence of high psychological stress;
  • use of a special nutrition model.

In the army, a man cannot be guaranteed compliance with all of the above, so conscription with hepatitis C should not be carried out. Officially, such a conscript is given the status of “limitedly fit for military service.” This implies a deferment from conscription in the absence of martial law. If a war breaks out in the country, people with this diagnosis will be required to report to military units.

An important criterion is the degree of development of the disease. Restrictions for military service are provided only if a man is diagnosed with chronic hepatitis with periodic outbreaks of activity.

If the disease was detected in the early stages, preventing it from becoming chronic, the man must be registered with the military. The fact is that the disease at an early stage often does not show symptoms, and therefore does not in any way reduce a person’s physical activity.

Rules for obtaining a deferment

In fact, people with hepatitis C form are not accepted into the army, but to receive a deferment, a man must be registered in an infectious diseases hospital. If a person is sent a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, he must go to his hospital and obtain a doctor’s certificate confirming a serious diagnosis. This certificate is attached to the man’s personal file, guaranteeing him a deferment from military service.

If the young man was not registered at an infectious diseases medical institution, he needs to register there. What should a patient do if he was not registered and was drafted into the army:

Hepatitis C is a rather insidious disease, and sometimes it is difficult to make a diagnosis due to the lack of symptoms. In the early stages, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and the diagnosis is made based on the results of the following examinations:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • PRC blood test;
  • analysis for the presence of antibodies and markers of hepatitis in the blood;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • liver tissue biopsy.

A biopsy is considered the most accurate way to make a diagnosis. Tissue is collected from the liver using a special needle. After this, the tissue is examined under a microscope, which helps to identify the presence or absence of necrosis and the degree of damage to the internal organ.

If a man refuses to do a biopsy or has contraindications to the procedure, then the diagnosis is made through other clinical and laboratory tests.

Only the presence of a certificate can become effective proof of the presence of the disease. Without this document, a man is subject to conscription.

Other forms of hepatitis and appeal

Many patients are concerned about whether a deferment from military service is possible for other forms of hepatitis. The following rules apply:

  1. If a person has a group A viral disease, they are given a six-month deferment. If during this time he manages to recover, which is confirmed by the results of the analysis, then the man can be called up for service.
  2. Hepatitis form B provides for a deferment from service only if we are talking about the chronic stage of the disease. The early stages of such viral hepatitis do not provide for removal from service.
  3. Hepatitis form D in the acute or chronic stage also does not imply conscription into military units. The fact is that with such a disease, a person needs to adhere to a certain dietary pattern, while refusing physical and nervous stress.
  4. The situation with form F disease is contradictory. The fact is that the marker of this viral disease was identified by doctors only recently, so amendments regarding hepatitis F have not been made to official documents. However, in most cases, patients with this diagnosis are not drafted into the army.

Only group A disease is considered completely curable. If hepatitis C and B do not manifest themselves at first, then type A disease is noticeable from the first days. The main symptoms are nausea, fever and signs of intoxication.

Treatment of group A hepatitis occurs through drug therapy. Usually, already after 3–4 weeks of treatment, the alarming symptoms subside and the person recovers. After six months, when the deferment ends, the recovered person has the right to be called up. This disease causes persistent immunity to group A viruses, so the patient cannot become infected a second time.

Conscription with hepatitis C is not carried out for another reason: this disease is considered contagious.

An infected person is a carrier of the virus. The disease is transmitted through blood, less commonly through shared personal hygiene items. If in the army conditions soldiers mix up their toothbrushes, there is a high risk of infecting several more conscripts.

Since the army cannot provide normal medical treatment for patients with such a viral disease, their conscription is impossible. High physical activity and non-compliance with nutritional nuances can lead to the progression of the disease.

If a man is drafted into the army, despite having a certificate, he must contact a lawyer. Such a call is a violation of civil rights and can lead to a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, even death.

The liver is the only human organ capable of regeneration, but even with such abilities it is susceptible to diseases that can lead to the death of a person. This factor is taken into account by the military registration and enlistment office, therefore, if you have dangerous diseases, such as some forms of hepatitis, military service is prohibited.

Do people with hepatitis get drafted into the army during an exacerbation?

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by viral infections or toxic substances.

When viruses enter the body, a person develops an acute form of hepatitis. Body temperature rises and jaundice appears. With timely medical intervention, liver function is completely restored.

When determining a possible fitness category, the lawyers of the Conscript Assistance Service always refer to the Schedule of Diseases - a document according to which doctors at the military commissariat conduct a medical examination. To find out whether someone with acute hepatitis will be accepted into the army, pay attention to A young man is subject to conscription if the functionality of the liver and gastrointestinal tract is not impaired. But you can get into a military unit no earlier than 6 months after undergoing treatment, since people with hepatitis are accepted into the army only after the liver has been completely restored.

Expert opinion

Conscripts who want to get a military ID due to their health either do not know whether it is possible not to serve with their illness, or do not understand how to be exempt from conscription due to their diagnosis. Read the real stories of conscripts who received a military ID in the “” section

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

Chronic hepatitis: is it accepted for military service?

The situation is different with a chronic course. In this case, the examination of conscripts takes place according to Article 59 of the Schedule of Diseases. To figure out whether the patient will have to get acquainted with army life, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of hepatitis. The most common:

  • A – Viruses enter the body through the nutritional route – through the consumption of contaminated food or water. Of the above, this is the mildest type and is subject to complete treatment. After recovery, the patient develops immunity.
  • B - Infection occurs hematogenously - through transfusion of contaminated blood or sexual contact. Transplacental transmission is possible - infection of the fetus during pregnancy of the mother.
  • C – Infection through transfusion or other contact with the blood of an infected person. In 20% of cases, the disease leads to the appearance of a malignant tumor or cirrhosis.
  • D – Enters the body via sexual, hematogenous or transplacental routes. It is characterized by rapid development and massive liver damage. Can lead to cirrhosis.

The first type does not become chronic and is easily treatable, therefore, after treatment, the conscript is given six months. After this, if the body’s functions are fully restored, the conscript is taken into service.

Whether someone with hepatitis B, C or D is accepted into the army depends on the course of the disease. These types, even with timely access to a medical facility, become chronic. If complications develop, death is possible. Therefore, military personnel who have suffered an acute form are observed by doctors for six months to exclude the possibility of transition to a chronic course.

For young people subject to conscription, the answer to the question “whether they are recruited into the army with hepatitis C or other types” is categorical. No, sick young people will not be hired.

Exemption from the army is guaranteed to everyone whose disease has become chronic., regardless of whether liver function is impaired or not. But to confirm the right to enlist in the reserves, men will have to undergo additional examination from the military registration and enlistment office in a specialized medical institution and provide members of the Military Military Commission with the results of puncture biopsy tests or other examinations confirming stable liver damage for 6 months.

If such evidence exists, then the army will not take away citizens diagnosed with hepatitis in 2019. They can only be drafted in time of war. And only if the disease has not turned into a chronic active form, in this case the man is declared unfit for service.

With respect to you, Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts.

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